We have what was probably the best North American tournament in MLG Columbus at the beginning of June. Then we get a week of NASL playoffs to decide the last few seeds for $50000. And during all that time we have GSL's Super Tournament that is giving out $100,000 for 1st!
Now we get to the GSL Super Tournament finals at 1:10 am for me. We get a special finals match before that, all cast by the Archon! And while that happens Dreamhack Summer 2011 begins with 5 streams and every game being broadcast. Dreamhack goes for over 12+ hours with so many epic games and epic casters!
Not to mention the After the Clash tournament and WCG happening as well. And then in a few hours we get more NASL Playoffs and in 10 hours Dreamhack starts up again to broadcast all day. Along with all that we have to stay up to date on the GSL qualifiers (artosis and camera don't fail me now!!)! Good luck FXO, cArn and all other players attempting! And GSTL.. gah.. so glad for summer break!! <3
In a few short weeks NASL finals start as well as IPL season 2.
And to cap off all this starcraft 2 from the past weeks, today, and the coming time.. SeleCT starts streaming after dreamhack..
When will we get a break from so much starcraft 2..fuck i love e-sports and starcraft 2!
Thank you to all the amazing casters, players, tournament organizers, and all their employees. Thank you to places like Team Liquid, Wellplayed, /r/starcraft, ESFI world, and all the other sites that cover SC2 and push out content.
And thank you for reading this <3