I need to write a letter to the director of admissions at a university I wanted to attend, because I forgot to submit my intent to enroll by the deadline (I'm very absent minded at times, I completely forgot that it was June 1 deadline).
I have no idea how to write this letter; I googled some letters, but none of them were petitions for late acceptance to the school. Most of them look something like this: http://www.nyc.gov/html/dcas/downloads/pdf/misc/mgsp_sampleletter.pdf
I don't know if it should be something so default, or if it should explain the reason for late submission. Has anyone had to write a letter like this before, and can give me some advice?
Well it definitely can not be like the sample you posted. I would say that you should not really go into why you messed up because it seems, from what you said, to be just absentmindedness which will reflect poorly on you. I think you should go into detail on how you will strive in the future and say some really good reasons you would like to attend the college; and I really mean extremely good reasons. Since letting you in would be against normal practices, you need to show them why they should accept you.
I would say keep it a page long and pretty concise, but nothing as short as "I would like to register" like your sample letter.
You probably should have sent it in on time. If your reason for late submission was "I am absent minded" then they will probably just reject you. Maybe they will make an exception for you for whatever reason, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
The reason I am so pessimistic about your situation is the fact that I have been in a similar scenario myself. I registered for the EIT exam somewhere near 6 months in advance of the test so I could get all the paper work done and not have to worry about it late. Turns out that there was one additional form that I did not send in and was required to take the exam. I find out about this the day after I was supposed to have it by them and even though I already paid the $125 registration fee, they said there is no way I could get into the test and they did not refund my money either. I ended up taking the exam the following semester and making sure I had everything in on time. I even called them up just to verify they received all of my paperwork. Took the test and passed it.
tl;dr - I was in a similar situation and got denied. Just learn from your mistakes and don't fuck up next time.
Exactly like USK mentioned, to me the best idea would be to mostly completely ignore the reason for why you missed the deadline. Just acknowledge that you missed the date, apologize for doing so, and then focus the letter on why you should be accepted. A page long formal cover letter should be good.