Since I started playing more SC2 (and working my desk job), I haven't had the time to really train or exercise like I used to (I'm a former triathlete) - some of it is time, but a lot of it is also motivation.
Similar to how I've essentially stop buying video games after focusing on SC2 (because, I knew that no matter what, given the choice, I'd choose to play SC2 anyway), whenever I have some free time, I would think:
a) do I want to go exercise or.... b) SC2?
I've yet to have a day where I go, "Man, I bet it'd be more fun to go run a 5k and bike a 20k instead of playing SC2!" 
So, I'm really despairing over my recent weight gain and such, and I've come up with a good motivation for myself.
Now, I know my own tendencies best, right? And I'm one pretty lazy mo-fo. I actually managed to quit smoking simply by setting up rules such that my laziness was sufficiently strong enough to overcome my nicotine addiction. (Basically, I made the rule for myself that I wouldn't smoke indoors and often times, when I would want a smoke, I would just think "Man, it is /so far/ to go outside. Fuck it.")
My desire to play SC2 is pretty strong so I thought to myself:
1) I will take a break between every ladder game that exceeds 5 minutes. 2) If I won my last game, I will do a set of situps (25, most likely). 3) If I lost my last game, I will do a set of pushups (10, I think).
This way, I will force myself to stop between games (and avoid tilt) and I have motivation to actually exercise because the reward is another game of SC2. And, really, I hate pushups much more than I do situps/crunches so another motivation to win. 
In the last few weeks, my record is sometimes 4-15 (really bad day) or 19-7 (really good stretch of 3 days). I went 3-1 last night, and then kept playing and ended up 5-4 for the night.
So! We'll see what happens at the end of the summer. I'll either have a six pack or have arms like Ahnuld. 
Keep me honest, TL! I'm posting this publicly so that I can't back out of it anymore. 
On June 07 2011 23:32 kawaiiryuko wrote:... So! We'll see what happens at the end of the summer. I'll either have a six pack or have arms like Ahnuld.  ... and ppl say sc2 is not physically challenging :D
sounds like a good idea though, gl on that whole project-working-out-and-getting-better-in-sc2-plus-not-tilting-thingy
Keep it up! Staying active is really important. I can relate to that debate of whether I want to spend an hour working out or playing computer.
Two things that I do, and a few of my friends that are serious gamers do as well that you could possibly incorporate.
For each time this happens you do X amount of crunches, pushups or both:
Queen hitting 35 energy Nexus sitting at full Chrono Command center having more than 55 energy when you should be MULE-ing Get attacked by poorly scouted cheese Unable to adapt to opponents strategy at own fault Lose a mirror match by being behind in bases
Needless to say there was a game that cost me 100 pushups recently.
On June 08 2011 00:17 Joey.rumz wrote: Two things that I do, and a few of my friends that are serious gamers do as well that you could possibly incorporate.
For each time this happens you do X amount of crunches, pushups or both:
Queen hitting 35 energy Nexus sitting at full Chrono Command center having more than 55 energy when you should be MULE-ing Get attacked by poorly scouted cheese Unable to adapt to opponents strategy at own fault Lose a mirror match by being behind in bases
Needless to say there was a game that cost me 100 pushups recently. +getting supply blocked dunno how you're doing with that but ppl often suck at getting supply constantly
I play Zerg, so I generally spam 6-7 ovies at a time, when I'm massing units because a production cycle is usually 14 - 21 larva (which, in terms of supply, is usually 28 - 42 supply, unless I am going mass slings). So, I tend to produce 6-7 ovies, use the remaining larva to make drones, and then wait for the next production cycle for army units. That /tends/ to work out okay but when I miss a cycle, I get supply block.