Papua New Guinea152 Posts
One thing that has come to my attention is this community's apparent misogynistic tendencies. To illustrate:
Girl blogs. I understand that the relative awkwardness in dealing with the opposite sex, this being a gaming community, should not come as a surprise. Sometimes, however, the all-too-frequent (and all-too-tragic) girl blogs could have convinced someone not familiar with TL that this was a singles or dating advice forum.
The supposed need to balance Starcraft time with time spent with the opposite sex. This is a rather strange point, simply because most TLers believe that Starcraft is so precious that any time that is not being devoted to Starcraft is time that is useless and boring. To stimulate the mind of the Starcraft gamer the average TLer seeks the companionship of the opposite sex, but this is merely a guise, as most TLers use this opportunity to take a quick photo to post on the "Post a pic of your boy/girlfriend" page and then promptly proceed to break up with the girl, as any time spent outside of Starcraft is ultimately a waste of time.
The supposed need to introduce girls to Starcraft. Apparently many TLers believe that to judge whether a girl is relationship material, they must challenge said girl to 1v1 Starcaft match after introducing them to the basic build orders and tactics. Allowing said girls to view streams and/or pro replays is not recommended, because if said girl pwns you in 1v1 then the TLer has no choice but to ask IdRa for help in mechanics or strategy in order to defeat said female foe.
The fact that being in Masters might still mean you're Bronze with girls. Many TLers refuse to believe that their worth in life can be dictated by anything but their Starcraft rankings, thus the apparent frequency of "Forever Alone" and "FFFUUU" memes.
The fact that Kerrigan is female. The greatest villian of all time (in Starcraft) is a female. NUFF SAID
... I can't think of anything else at the moment, but the point still stands.

You're way overanalyzing. Some dudes think it's funny to make "misogynistic" comments. That's why it happens.
Mehh, why do you want to be a part of this community if we're all anti-social sexist basement dwellers? I've always found the large majority of people here to be very smart and sociable and interesting, so I disagree with basically everything you said.
The one thing that sometimes rubs me the wrong way in reference to girls on this forum is that some people seem to put too much stock in pick-up advice or whatever, where girls are sometimes talked about as input-output mechanisms, however I think this is a very small portion of Teamliquid.
are u trolling from papua??
cant tell if this blog is a bad troll or just a bit weird
people dont like 'girl blogs' because they are precisely that, blogs about nothing written by a person who has boobs. its more anti white-knight than anti-girl
1. You sound like Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory. I've been told that I do too. It's not a good thing.
2. While your thesis may have had some merit, the examples could have been better chosen.
For example. Blogs are generally very personal things and people tend to think that their relationships are very personal. It does not mean that teamliquid is more misogynistic than most groupings of males.
Do you even know what misogyny means? Because you didn't address that at all in your post.
Who needs girls on TL, we have Nada.
On June 05 2011 10:26 Megaliskuu wrote: Who needs girls on TL, we have Nada.
Thank God for that!
I think it's nice to share hobbies with people, whether they are female or not. If they don't like it, fine, but when they do it's very satisfying.
I would say it's unhealthy to not try to share a hobby you spend a few hundred hours a year doing with other people.
(It goes without question that the advice in girl blogs and the people who make girl blogs themselves is/are hopeless.
I looked up the definition, and it seems like you're talking about something different from misogyny "Misogyny is the hatred or dislike of women. Misogyny comes from Greek misogunia (μισογυνία) from misos (μῖσος, hatred) and gynē (γυνή, woman). A person who hates women is called a misogynist." I think a better general analysis of this is that there's a lot of boys on TL who are inept in relationships and afraid of girls and make posts that try to drown out their anxiety. Idk though, I don't really read those girl blogs. I don't feel a need to introduce girls to SC, but a girl who's into games is much more attractive and interesting (to people that also play games at least), so naturally these tl'ers seek that out.
None of those things you listed in your blog are actually pervasive problems, right? Nobody really has a huge issue with any of those, right?
What on earth is misogyny?
Thank you Roe for pointing out the meaning of misogyny to OP; however, I found the post extremely humorous. Certainly, the entire blog was in jest.
TL is a lost cause for this, i've given up long ago. The overwhelming majority will always be either trolls or white knights, that's a fact that will never change. What's to be done? Well, be a good example in what you do. After the whole Incontrol v. Destiny debate on what language to use as a front figure of the community that's a good place to start.
Sadly a grand part of TL staff and mods are fifty years behind on this and believe that "men and women are different" and that "that's just the way things are". Not unequal, but "different", a view that's shared by most of the females in our community as well.
This shit won't change until we get a larger representation of women in the community and that's not likely to happen so yeah - choose your battles. Spare yourself the headache and give up.
There are different sections, the blog section is used like a blog. Some people use their blogs to talk about problems with their lives and seek help, these people may be having trouble with women so they write about that.
A statement involving the "apparent" facts should include evidence and not your assumptions. Also, who is not recommending that you watch streams/replays with a significant other? I have noticed posts in the past encouraging people with female companions to watch streams with them and try to introduce them to the persons hobby, just like any normal person should.
Stating that "being in Masters might still mean you're Bronze with girls" is true but so is "if you are good in school there is still a chance you will develop cancer". You are attempting to compare apples to walruses.
Since when have meme's had anything to with a persons opinion of life worth?
Stating two simple truths, one of which could be disputed (Mengsk) is a very weak way to end your argument.
Also, which point?
1/5. The time it took for me to read this blog I could have been playing starcraft. Ultimately, this was such a waste of time. I coulda at least quizzed my gf on some build orders yo.
honestly the best way to avoid bullshti liek this is to stop talkin about it guys stop making a big deal abotu other gamers/tlers being girls girls shut up abotu your gender no one cares
problem solved imo
On June 05 2011 11:37 Ruscour wrote: What on earth is misogyny?
Basically, woman hate. I mirror the sentiment that you're over-analyzing. It's not that relationships with women are competing with Starcraft time, at least not in the girl blogs I've read. It's nice just to say what's going on. In fact, I think I'll make my first girl blog pretty quick here.
Be excited.