I know league standing doesn't mean all that much, but I'm pleased that I'm back in the top 8 of my Bronze league. What's more important than my standing is how I got it: my win-loss ratio is much, much better than it was. I'm going to do an Art of Thor post as to why, and if I make some time to figure out the best way to use FRAPS there might finally be a video supplement to it. We all have to start somewhere.
It boils down to my timing and aggression getting better. I'm building expansions more quickly, sending out Marines & Marauders more often and using Stim. My macro is getting better, and while it isn't great, it's still good enough to keep things coming so I maintain pressure. I know I'll lose some games to better macro and the occasional cheese, but the more it happens the more I'll learn.
Sorry this one's short and not substantial, but as I said: it's about my progress. And I think very soon I'll be progressing back up to Silver.