Last week I finally decided to make the switch full-on to SC2 after a few months away from starcraft all-together and gradually I'm getting a little better, I'm nowhere near what I'd consider decent but I've been playing 4v4 for fun and I got placed into silver and I am meeting some of the worst players EVER. (I also hate when they share control with me because than I can't box my shit going through theirs without fucking up their scvs or something)
In this game I have a terran that doesn't know how to unsiege his tanks, one that goes viking/bc but doesn't move them around at all and a zerg who goes infestors but does nothing with them. Meanwhile because I'm bad I throw away large amounts of units without accomplishing much but damn it feels like there's nothing I could've done.
Now I'm BAD I forget to macro, get caught up in the flashyness of the fights, don't know proper builds, can't figure out what I want to hotkey my shit to, queuing units, not sure what to do to micro in SC2, don't know the maps, I have no idea how to deal with banelings, etc... etc... etc... But these guys make ME look good.
Now the worst part about this game is that one of their computers was SO BAD that from about the 4 minute mark it started slowing the game down to the point where it felt like I was on 1000+ latency.
Oh also if I used to play BW with you or even if you're just a cool cat, add me and teach me how to play SC2 ^.^ Fire.906
I always go mass infestor only in 3v3, 4v4
It is not an accurate skill measurement, in such games people tend to fuck around
if your allies are that bad then your enemies also shouldn't be all that great
16951 Posts
I still have a few placement matches to play with superiorwolf, paper, and someone else.
Raped face.
Empyrean's the Hero that Bnet 2.0 deserves, but not the one it needs right now ... and so we'll hunt him ... because he can take it ... because he's not a hero... he's a silent guardian, a watchful protector... a 2v2 God.
Yeah I have been screwing around too making all of one unit, but I had just went all marines in a 30 minute game and had an ally going bcs, another who made 30 warpgates but didn't expand, and one who didn't know about attack move so I wanted to try. these guys just really amazed me with their lack of skill, the one guy loses all of his scvs to reapers and doesn't move any of his tanks, the tanks stay in the same spot the whole game.
16951 Posts
When I 4v4ed with those partners (this was over a year ago, I think), I remember I had to afk a few minutes in and when I came back we had won even though my partners made hilarious unit comp choices XD