This is my cool blog about cool music that I've been listening to recently. Recommended tracks will be in spoilers - youtube videos!
First up is Death Grips, a dude making some ridiculous hiphop. HEAVY ASS BASSY ASS COOL ASS BEATS and then his weird, energetic rapping/singing/yelling/whatever. It's really fucking cool.
Check out the website at The tape "ex military" just dropped.
+ Show Spoiler [death grips - ex-military] +
Guillotine - Easily my favorite track!
Spread Eagle Cross the Block - another great track!
Guillotine - Easily my favorite track!
Spread Eagle Cross the Block - another great track!
Next is Tyler the Creator's new album, Goblin. This album is hyped as all fuck but IMO it absolutely deserves it. It is, in places, better and worse than his previous release, Bastard, but it is a great album all in all. It's hard to recommend tracks here because the album sort of needs to be listened to as a whole. Obviously there's Yonkers which you've probably already heard. I'll try and recommend a few more, anyway.
+ Show Spoiler [Tyler the Creator - Goblin] +
Sandwitches. It's a great track but also one of the ones that was released before the album's release. The album version is a bit longer than the early version (about a minute) and this is what I've linked here.
Bitch Suck Dick. I mostly included this song because it includes Jasper and Taco, the two members of OFWGKTA who have relatively little ability to rap. It's pretty apparent here and the top rated comment is pretty much correct. ("If "Bitch" didnt rhyme with "Bitch" JAsper wouldnt be in OF.")
Still, I'm including this song because it's fun to listen to.
This one is called Transylvania. It's not the best song on the album but I find myself listening to it the most (or maybe second-most). I really really like the beat so I think that's most of the appeal for me.
Sandwitches. It's a great track but also one of the ones that was released before the album's release. The album version is a bit longer than the early version (about a minute) and this is what I've linked here.
Bitch Suck Dick. I mostly included this song because it includes Jasper and Taco, the two members of OFWGKTA who have relatively little ability to rap. It's pretty apparent here and the top rated comment is pretty much correct. ("If "Bitch" didnt rhyme with "Bitch" JAsper wouldnt be in OF.")
Still, I'm including this song because it's fun to listen to.
This one is called Transylvania. It's not the best song on the album but I find myself listening to it the most (or maybe second-most). I really really like the beat so I think that's most of the appeal for me.
Next up is TOKiMONSTA, aka Jennifer Lee. She's from LA and makes instrumental hip-hop and I find myself listening to it quite often. She uses a lot of samples, which isn't for everyone, but I love it. My absolute favorite tracks will be in the spoiler, but all of them are quite good.
+ Show Spoiler [TOKiMONSTA] +
Gamble. Easily my favorite song of hers!
This one is called Cheese Smoothie. My second favorite!
Gamble. Easily my favorite song of hers!
This one is called Cheese Smoothie. My second favorite!
A couple months ago an instrumental metal band called Scale the Summit released their third album, called The Collective. These 4 guys are seriously, seriously talented dudes. Each of their albums has a completely different sound and I'm gonna link a stand-out track from each album here for comparison. Highly recommend these guys if you're into instrumental metal.
+ Show Spoiler [Scale the Summit] +
Omni, the fourth track from their first album, Monument. This, I feel, pretty well defines the sound of their first album. It's hard for me to describe but it's a very distinctive sound.
This one is called Bloom, the first track from their second album, Carving Desert Canyons. It's immediately noticeable as very, very different from the previous song and the whole album is like this. There is a track or two that revisits the older sound, but even then it is still different. This might be my favorite album by them, but all three are excellent.
Unfortunately, the track that I wanted to post here for their third album is only on youtube in the live version with pretty poor audio. Still, after a minute or so of listening to this track the difference between this album and their previous two becomes very apparent, especially in the drumming.
It's called Colossal, the first track from their third album.
Omni, the fourth track from their first album, Monument. This, I feel, pretty well defines the sound of their first album. It's hard for me to describe but it's a very distinctive sound.
This one is called Bloom, the first track from their second album, Carving Desert Canyons. It's immediately noticeable as very, very different from the previous song and the whole album is like this. There is a track or two that revisits the older sound, but even then it is still different. This might be my favorite album by them, but all three are excellent.
Unfortunately, the track that I wanted to post here for their third album is only on youtube in the live version with pretty poor audio. Still, after a minute or so of listening to this track the difference between this album and their previous two becomes very apparent, especially in the drumming.
It's called Colossal, the first track from their third album.
This isn't really new listening for me, but I find myself listening to it pretty consistently. Metaform's album The Electric Mist was released last year and unfortunately isn't very popular. I'm actually a huge, huge Metaform fan - I own everything available on his website and some that isn't. There are a lot of standout tracks on this album but I'll just put one or two for conciseness. He makes some kind of weird hybrid trip-hop that's hard to define.
+ Show Spoiler [Metaform] +
Electric Eyes, the first track from The Electric Mist. Easily one of my favorites.
Revenge of a Nerd - the second track from this album. I also love this song.
Pop the Trunk, one of the instrumental tracks on the album. I love this song.
Electric Eyes, the first track from The Electric Mist. Easily one of my favorites.
Revenge of a Nerd - the second track from this album. I also love this song.
Pop the Trunk, one of the instrumental tracks on the album. I love this song.
I'm also listening to Castevet, Lhasa/Raein/Daitro, June Paik (these previous 3 recommended by boesplow, also really good and everyone should check them out), The Red Chord, Gorod, and Shawn Lane (the best guitarist to ever have lived) recently, but none of these are newer listening for me so I won't include them here. Still, I recommend checking them out!
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