So I've started learning some of the Terran hotkeys over the last couple of days. One thing I've noticed is that I really need to use a lot of control groups (i'm not used to using anything over 6). I'm using 1 & 2 for SCVs for building things, 3 & 4 for my armys, 5 for command centres, 6 Barracks, 7 Factory, 8 Starport. So yeah, reaching over there for the number 8 key is taking a while to get used to.
I also started playing some practice games vs computer as random, since you have to get used to making a plan really quickly, and also setting my brain for all the correct hotkeys. I know it makes more sense to just play one race and learn to play that really well, but I really like the idea of using all the races, since they are all different I feel like I'm getting more value! I've also stopped caring about becoming "good" (for the moment anyway). I'm just keeping my armies pretty simple and making sure my macro is decent so that I have a lot of "stuff".
Anyway, since I've been doing this, and also a couple of games with my new buddies on my friends list I haven't actually been doing the practice league, which I feel bad about because I'm still nervous about it. But tbh I don't really feel like I want to play it until I have a certain competence and I can macro sort of on auto pilot, because you know when the panic happens in a game, the macro goes, and I don't want that to happen. Every game I've won so far has been because I had made a bigger army, so this is my logic.
If I still get games from my new buddies then I don't feel like I will play practice league for a while, but if they aren't on then I'll probably get bored and play some games.
I stayed up for a day9 episode the other night, but I couldn't make it all the way through. It starts at 3am here, so it's kind of tough.
Still looking for more buddies.
Consider using the idle worker hotkey for T/P to manage your probes/scvs that are building things. This would cut you back down to 6 hotkeys, but eventually you will want to be able to flex your hotkey agility and use as many as you want to anyway.
I, as a Terran, use only hotkeys up to 7,if needed. 1,2 Army or scouting worker at the start, 3 CC, 4 Barracks, 5 Factory and 6 for Starports. If for example i play heavy MMM, i put the starport on 5 and if necessary, the factory on 6. Usethe idle worker key, grants you more space for normal hotkeys and you wont have to reach up to 8, which is very far. I use 7 or 8 sometimes, if i for example have barracks or other unit producing structures, that are either proxied or at a far expansion (to not mess up with the waypoints and if some structures should not produce in some situations). Additionally I put the Ebays or Armorys on 8 or 9, for the upgrades (but this is not that important anyways. Hope my hotkeysetup can help you, because I think I use a simple but effective one. GL HF and respect on trying to play all three races
Oh thanks for the idle worker hotkey idea, I'll definately give that a go!
i dont know how skilled you are, but you really need to be able to have 3 hotkeys for your army. For example in TvP: you need your vikings on a seperate hotkey or they will get sniped by (blink)stalkers while you also got ur ghosts on a hotkey for emp. During that you also gotta be controling ur MMM ball with ur 3rd hotkey