Ever since online gambling had officially been restricted here in the states, I tried finding stuff to do..something worthwhile. Although I could play sc, I'm looking for something a bit different. For example, my average profit from poker was about 5/hr, and I was constantly visiting sites such as liquidpoker, 2+2, etc to learn more. This meant two things: I was making money (no need for part-time jobs) and I was learning something worthwhile which did not involve bagging groceries.
I'm a freshman in college, and I don't have much cash on me because unfortunately I only started playing low stakes poker for about 3 months before the feds took action. From then on, I tried learning forex and other investment options, but they seem extremely dull, and I don't plan on making any initial investments over $100 (which is pretty much pointless).
So if anyone could offer insights on what I could do in my spare time, I'd really appreciate it. I don't mind if I'm making as much as minimum wage or lower; I just want to do something that has potential with more experience, just like poker.
learn some web dev skills, easy money as a part-time or full-time pursuit.
learn some web design, HTML and so on, it might take a while but eventually you will be able to make money.
I don't mean to shift this topic, but could you guys provide resources for web design (sorta like tl.net for all your sc needs)?
Norway28565 Posts
poker skills are not more useful in "real life" than the worth ethic gotten from working real jobs.
but if your goal is basically to make money without working, then I guess you can start a) MMORPG-farming b) learning how to code/web design (this is actually work though, and demands a lot of time to get to the stage where you're any good) c) learning how to do fancy graphics and arts, although this is also usually an unpaid job until you get really really good, and sometimes even after that d) play computer games professionally e) commentate
honestly, a) is the only one similar to low stakes online poker, the other 4 are all actually demanding skill-wise and / or time-investment wise.
Start online betting on sports events and make only safe bets. Or just get a job, I guess you'll learn something, no matter what you are doing. Don't underestimate the school of *dramatic pause* life!
learn chinese. It's more fun than poker, I know.
Im not familiar with the new restrictions... what are they/how do they work? It must suck pretty hard to not be able to play poker the way you want to anymore, as its a lot of fun and you have the chance to actually make good money if you're good at it :/
Norway28565 Posts
they work the way that americans can't play anymore.
On April 24 2011 20:07 Liquid`Drone wrote: they work the way that americans can't play anymore.
wow that sucks...
Just get a real job, man. You probably think it's worse than it actually is and you can make twice as much as you made from poker pretty easily. Also, if you can get a job as a research or office assistant (I'm guessing you can because you're at college), it's something to put on your resume.
On April 24 2011 18:53 Liquid`Drone wrote:
e) commentate
Make a youtube channel and throw up some SC2 commentaries, and you'll be e-famous and bathing in gold doubloons in no time!
...or, get a real job. Whatever.
You could try refurbishing people's consoles? Xboxes and such.
Round up your friends and play poker. Invite rich friends
You could play on Cake poker, though the same thing could potentially happen to them that happened to FTP and Pokerstars.
You could also move to Canada.
i got a german account for any US player who plays the SCOOP Medium and High. feel free to contact me if you need one or know someone who badly wants to play in the SCOOP
pretend to be a girl in chat rooms with a manycam video loop. charge 15 bucks a show, get them to paypal the cash, transfer to bank. play the loop of the girl getting naked. not kidding, works. really depends on how much manipulation skills you have though. a friend of mine was making 200 a day doing it. probably not the most legal, but neither was online gambling in america so...
On April 24 2011 19:20 Yizuo wrote: Start online betting on sports events and make only safe bets. Or just get a job, I guess you'll learn something, no matter what you are doing. Don't underestimate the school of *dramatic pause* life!
do NOT do this. Not only is its legality very much in question in the united states, but it takes a ton more time and understanding to be profitable sports bettor than people want to admit. I came from poker too as a small stakes grinder.
Wow I didn't even know this happened. I used to play NL micro stakes (0.02/0.05) a TON last year on fulltilt. I built up to about $400 from $30. So...uhhh...I just logged on to my account and I can't even withdrawl my money? I mean what the hell. What happened anyways? Wikipedia was lacking in detail on this situation. I just saw FBI investigation / bank fraud. Anyone know when withdrawls will be allowed again?
As for what you can do...I dunno...I will come up with something shortly.
Side note: I don't understand why online poker is illegal yet many states have their own state lottery which is 100x worse. Hearing about this today really put me in a shitty mood =/