So, it was pointed out to me, something I already know, last night, that my OL timing and management is horrific beyond comparison.
I can manage to keep myself from OL block up to around 36 supply or so, then I'm blocked for pretty much every OL from there out and when I get blocked I build anywhere from 2 to 5 OL in a go. As you can imagine, this is putting a big block in my ability to macro.
I know, and knew, I have this problem, but I just hadn't really thought that it was as crucial a problem as it is, and I didn't really fully think through what I need to do to fix it. I think the answer, now, to fixing this problem, is that I need to start playing my games with a specifc eye on OL production, possibly above any other priority, at least until I can get it to be more habitual and it stops being a problem. Maybe I should watch some pro replays for how they manage OL production.
To anyone who fels like commenting, how do YOU remember/manage your OL production, and how big of a problem is forgetting one or producing too many, for you?
This is a problem I always had with Zerg, because OL production is tied directly into unit production. Just got to learn to make OLs in the middle of production cycles, instead of just making wad after wad of drones/military units.
The way I do it (at least earlygame) is build your ovies between the supply.. like 15/18, 22/26, etc.. Although dont make it that robotic, make it fit your mineral/unit flow.. Sometimes its better to get 3 extra drones and be supply blocked for a second than to get a quicker overlord and miss mineral production.
The biggest piece of advice I can give is to keep an eye on your supply in the upper right. Think of it like the side / rear-view mirrors in a car. Just glance up every couple seconds and make an overlord when neccesary. Be mindful of what kind of units you're making. If it's drones you can probably get away with an overlord every 2 productions, but anything 2 supply you're probably going to need an overlord with each cycle.
Just get in the habit of watching your supply and eventually you'll smooth out your OLs. When I got back in to playing it was helpful to remind myself by saying something like, "I'm at 32/36 I need an overlord"
Good luck!
Yeah, I do look at the upper right, but my eyes don't even see the food. I just read:
XXX minerals...XXX gas....back to macroing.
I need to training myself to go ahead and read the 3rd damn number.
Netherlands45349 Posts
Be happy you only get supply blocked
My overlords have a tendency to get rallied into a bunch of stalkers, THEN supply blocking me and I die.