I do not know if this question has been asked before, but it struck my mind today while on my drive to work and this is really the only place where this question could be understood and answered without appearing to be totally crazy. I know it is pretty stupid but bear with me.
When you are having sex with a girl without wearing a condom and you decide to pull out for whatever reason, is this considered an "Ee Han Timing"?
When does this timing start and when does it end? Is it weird if you hear koreans going like "eeee hannnn timinggggg" when this is happening?
Washington, D.C9933 Posts
51335 Posts
If I were to ever hear this, I think I'd cry immediately from laughter.
It depends. As long as you aren't planning to keep it in, then yes!
That's how you know you have a bad ass girlfriend.
"DAMN HONEY THAT WAS SOME EE HAN TIMING!!1!!11!1one!!!eleventy!!!!"
Holy crap, yelling "ee han timing" during sex would be the most brilliant, hilarious thing ever. I shall mentally save this information.
Anyways, I'm a bit too tired to fully analyze the exact definition of "ee han timing," so I'll just leave the Liquidpedia definition right here.
Ee han timing stands for a timing in the game where you have to do damage. For example 2 hatch mutalisks. By doing this build you are (usually) behind economic wise. Therefore you have to do damage or else you will be significantly behind. It is an ee han timing moment. Ee han timing can be translated roughly into 'This one timing' http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/Ee_Han_Timing
I guess pulling out right before the inevitable orgasm would be considered "ee han timing" since it would be the "one" timing before you are "behind" in life. However, the advent of birth control may mitigate the negative effects of a failed timing to a point where it may no longer be an "ee han" timing.
I'm le tired.
Thanks. You just set my life goal: have her scream it while it happens.
What the eff...
I was sitting here deciding to post something like Intrigue or not. I refreshed, and... well, I was right. Dude, "what?" And oops, I just used my 4000th post.
this is really the only place where this question could be understood and answered without appearing to be totally crazy.
Keep on dreaming that dream.
That is completely normal. Been done in Korea for a while. Westerners always behind in the meta game...
On April 19 2011 22:03 Ganjamaster wrote: When you are having sex with a girl without wearing a condom and you decide to pull out for whatever reason, is this considered an "Ee Han Timing"? Not necessarily. It means 'the one timing' or perfect timing, so it only counts if you're pulling out at the exact instant necessary to prevent your nydus worm from overwhelming her natural.
Croatia9476 Posts
Is it weird that after reading this thread I still imagine Jaedong's mutas going into Stork's base and not the act of sex?
You know some aspiring porn producer in Korea is reading this thread and is frantically writing a script.