I have made the great leap to the world of Gosus and 1331 haxor pros! What, The name of this place of milk and honey? It is none other than the world of platinum devisions! It's funny to think that back in the beta this would have been the highest I of Ladder honors, but now newbys such as myself run all around it. I guess lowly WoWers can deal with an increasing level cap then I, the Superior SC2 nerd, can deal with increasing devisions of eliteness. Seriously tho who wants to bet in the next patch blizzard will release the Uber Grand Master of Unobtainium Devision?
Enough Ranting how about some actual examples of super newb time SC2 fails!
I have noticed my timings are starting to smooth out> Now they are about as smooth as sandpaper but considering they used to be as smooth as a cacti covered in razorblades I'm happy!
Decentish Timing but hard core out microed. Hey Day[9] "dont worry about micro it does not matter" what about this one!?
Here I lose to a proxy gate+forge that I totally see in time to counter...... my crisis management is about as solid as Gadaffi's
Here I lose to a Zerg that FE but manages to spine his base and still get lings in my mineral line.
Finally here is me getting rocked by a 5RR
Seriously, I need help 4 gating Zerg, they either rush me and I crumble or I get there and they have spines and or units to crush me. Ill try to find a practice partner for this weekend but any advice on my 4GVZ let me know, same goes for any other advice/flames! Thanks again to every one that has read/watched/commented!