I know everybody has their favorite caster out there, and it's pretty hard to compete to the likes of Day[9] or Husky (two opposite ends of the spectrum if you ask me). However, I'm wanting to try my hand at casting a couple of games. I know I can be good at this, but there is one thing I lack.
I have a lot of experience in using my voice. In fact, I am currently studying to become a broadcaster, because I have "The Voice." That is what I bring to the table (mostly). I have what can most easily be described as a radio voice. I also have all the necessary software to record video and sound (if my computer doesn't explode). The only thing I lack is something to cast.
I am but a lowly Platinum player, and besides that, do NOT want to cast my own games. That's just a no-go for me at the moment. So what I need are either volunteer replays, or ideas of what I should cast. I want to stay away from games that have already been casted, since I don't want to regurgitate information that everyone has already heard. I also don't want to cast a game that no one gave me permission to, and it ends up putting them in a bad light. So what I'm looking for are, mostly, volunteers (even just one to get me started would help)
I don't care if you're bronze or grandmaster. I want to get my foot in the door here, and I need your help!!
I guess what I would prefer is, if people have a replay they want to send in, email it to me at
I think that is it for now. PM or email me for questions or suggestions.
You should edit your email in your post so it doesn't get targeted by spam by bots and crap that autosearch sites to something like yourID (at ) gmail (dot) com.
Also, I would consider replays that have been posted publicly on pretty well any site to be public until further notice. Just scan popular SC2 replay sites for replays that you don't think have been touched yet.
Thanks for the email tip. Worst case scenario, I just check out sc2replays. My hope is, if someone sends me a replay, they will at least watch how I cast it. Which would bring my total views up to at least 1...
just grab the replay pack from mlg and cast whichever ones you want
I'd really like someone to cast qxc v sheth from MLG Dallas 2011. The stream cut out just before the cast was supposed to start, and cut in just afterwards. And the casters said it was a sweet match, but I can't find VoDs. So that's my pick. The replays should be available from mlg.
I must be blind or something, because I can't find the replay you are referring to. What round and bracket was it?
Um...it was the first round after pool play. Supposed to have been cast at 11 EST Sunday morning. I'll have to download the replay pack myself.
I'm finding it impossible to find...damn!!! Anyone else able to clarify here???