Well hello again TL blog. It has been quite a while since I updated my blog recording the progress of my journey through season 2 but I have reterned once again. So I have had quite a few new things happen in the time I was gone. For one thing I have changed races. I used to be terran and now I have become a Protoss player. Personally I enjoy it more than I did terran. I like the versatility and trickery that Protoss can pull off with it's proxy pilons, dark templars, etc. Since I made the switch I have played quite a few games. I couldn't tell you how many games I have won as protoss but it was quite a few. I can definatly say that my weakest matchups is definatly PvP. I feel like it is because I am most unfamiliar with this matchup. I'm getting more of the hang of it but there are still little things that I need to improve on. My timing is a bit rough in that matchup too. I need to know when to start getting collosus and not rely on the sheer power of my 4 gate or 3 gate robo. TvT and TvZ on the other hand have been going pretty swimmingly however. I haven't won all of my matches but if I had to guess I would say I won more than half against those two races. I recently lost a PvT where my opponenet went with a mech approach and I didn't exactly know how to handle that so I need to work on that as well. I was somewhat worried when starting up as protoss because I felt my protoss play was at a Gold level rather than the Platinum level of my terran but I was suprised I was able to beat diamond level players as well as high level platinum players as protoss. So I think I am adapting well. All and all I think I am doing pretty well and making improvement with every game I am playing, I am able to learn from my losses which is good so that's another plus especially when I am learning the specifics of a new race. So in conclusion
League Rank: 17th
Wins: 23
Points: 208
I think it was a pretty good increase and I feel that my play is improving as well. Once again any recomendations or something you would like me to include please post and let me know. See you the next time I update.