Obviously there are too many games going to be played out over the next 3 months in the NASL, so I'm making this blog to give reccomendations. I will recommend about 1 match every 2 days using a personal bias which is 1. calibur of the players involved 2. Rivalry 3. Interesting match.
Note: I am a biased, so take that into consideration before making any remarks like "Why didn't you highlight game XXX or why don't you highlight any games with qxc". I only highlighted about 1 game out of every 6, so please consider that too.
Thanks to Insanious for helping me find some good games that I missed.
Stats: 225 total matches I selected 39 matches that I consider interesting(or 1 in 6ish)
Predictions Group winners Division 1: Morrow Kiwikaki Division 2: July TT1 Division 3: naniwa squirtle Division 4: MC Ace Division 5: Idra Sen
5 Wildcards: White-Ra zenio tyler socke nada
1 Open bracket winner: No idea at this point.
Playoff Semis July vs Ace Idra vs MC
Finals MCvs July
Biggest underdog to go far: Fenix
Biggest Fan favorite to do well: select
Biggest favorite to choke: sjow
Biggest fan favorite to choke: tlo
Most likely to lose their deposit from BM: Naniwa
Most likely to win every single match: July
Most likely to lose every single match: slush
FOX_Moon vs Grubby
NrG.ViBE vs TLAF-Liquid`TLO
sixjax.Artosis vs FXO.Sheth
FnaticMSI.Fenix vs ROOT.KiWiKaKi ST.RainBOw vs mouz.MorroW The wc3 rivalry should be interesting (despite both not being top tier players). Also I believe morrow will do extremely well in this tournament and he goes up against a topish korean player. Artosis' grand return to pro-gaming... not to mention Sheth is the best NA ZvP.
ST.July vs White-Ra
FXOqxc vs CN.MoMaN
aTn.DarKFoRcE vs coL.CrunCher
FnaticMSI.TT1 vs dignitas.SjoW
EG.iNcontroL vs oGsEnsnare July vs White-ra is probably the most interesting match of the entire NASL, and only on day 2. Look forward to the unorthadox zerg vs the foreign protoss master. 4/14
dignitas.NaNiwa vs mouz.Strelok FXOmOOnGLaDe vs ROOT.SLush
FnaticMSI.KawaiiRice vs TLAF-Liquid`Haypro
sixjax.dde vs oGs.NaDa ST.Squirtle vs EG.Axslav We can see if NaNiWa can continue his reign of terror from MLG by trying to take out one of EU's strongest terrans 4/15
dignitas.SeleCT vs mouz.HasuObs
ESC.GoOdy vs ROOT.CatZ
Liquid`Ret vs ST_Ace
coL.Stalife vs EG.Machine
BRAT_OK vs oGs.MC Two unorthadox players, can CatZ use his "standard" play to beat the panzer general? MC is the world's current #1 player, he is a beast. BRAT_OK is seen by many as the #1 EU player, period. Can MC beat this powerhouse terran? Or will the "boss" prevail? Not to mention we will get to see how much the lag affects MC's FF micro.
EGIdrA vs aTn.Socke
mouz.MaNa vs TLAF-Liquid`Tyler
LG.PainUser vs MYM.ClouD oGsZenio vs FnaticMSI.Sen
ROOT.Drewbie vs SlayerSBoxeR Idra has a tough time against protoss and it will be interesting to see if he can adapt quickly enough to take out socke like he took out huk in mlg. Sen vs zenio is definitely the most interesting zvz of the whole season.
Grubby vs FnaticMSI.Fenix
mouz.MorroW vs TLAF-Liquid`TLO
NrG.ViBE vs FOX_Moon
FXO.Sheth vs ST.RainBOw
ROOT.KiWiKaKi vs sixjax.Artosis Again selecting a morrow matchup, but this time it's because it's tvz. TLO is a fan favorite, but morrow is definitely the favorite (imo) going into this match. Also I didn't highlight, but artosis vs kiwikaki should be interesting. Likely artosis will hopefully use some mind games to take a game.
FXOqxc vs FnaticMSI.TT1
CN.MoMaN vs aTn.DarKFoRcE
White-Ra vs dignitas.SjoW
coL.CrunCher vs EG.iNcontroL ST.July vs oGsEnsnare Two of EU's strongest players, White-Ra is a legend while SjoW has a beastly 65% win rate against almost every race. Two amazingly tallented Koreans are duking it out on the KR server (I hope) under no lage situations. Ensnare has been tearing up the international scene while July has been destroying players at home.
TLAF-Liquid`Haypro vs ROOT.SLush oGs.NaDa vs FXOmOOnGLaDe
sixjax.dde vs EG.Axslav
dignitas.NaNiwa vs FnaticMSI.KawaiiRice ST.Squirtle vs mouz.Strelok Nothing interesting
mouz.HasuObs vs ESC.GoOdy
EG.Machine vs BRAT_OK dignitas.SeleCT vs ROOT.CatZ
coL.Stalife vs ST_Ace oGs.MC vs Liquid`Ret Ret is one of the worlds best Zergs, he just hasn't had a chance to show how amazingly powerful he is. Vs. MC he has a world class opponent to show case the power of his Zerg play.
TLAF-Liquid`Tyler vs ROOT.Drewbie
aTn.Socke vs LG.PainUser
mouz.MaNa vs oGsZenio
EGIdrA vs MYM.ClouD SlayerSBoxeR vs FnaticMSI.Sen A game where I believe the favorite is definitely the non-korean. Sen's style will most likely punish boxer's playstyle. This should be a great tvz.
FnaticMSI.Fenix vs NrG.ViBE
mouz.MorroW vs ROOT.KiWiKaKi
sixjax.Artosis vs FOX_Moon
Grubby vs FXO.Sheth
TLAF-Liquid`TLO vs ST.RainBOw The only interesting tvt in the entire tournament. I give TLO a decent chance of winning this game.
White-Ra vs coL.CrunCher
FXOqxc vs EG.iNcontroL
aTn.DarKFoRcE vs FnaticMSI.TT1
CN.MoMaN vs oGsEnsnare
dignitas.SjoW vs ST.July Again, SjoW is a BEAST, huge win rates... and then we have the god of war, what isn't to like about this game? ZvT is very interesting if they get past the early game and considering how strong July's aggressive play is...
sixjax.dde vs dignitas.NaNiwa oGs.NaDa vs mouz.Strelok FXOmOOnGLaDe vs EG.Axslav
FnaticMSI.KawaiiRice vs ROOT.SLush
TLAF-Liquid`Haypro vs ST.Squirtle Nothing
Liquid`Ret vs ESC.GoOdy dignitas.SeleCT vs coL.Stalife
mouz.HasuObs vs EG.Machine oGs.MC vs ST_Ace Can ace topple the master protoss? I believe the answer is yes, check out this high level pvp.
FnaticMSI.Sen vs LG.PainUser
mouz.MaNa vs EGIdrA
ROOT.Drewbie vs MYM.ClouD SlayerSBoxeR vs oGsZenio
TLAF-Liquid`Tyler vs aTn.Socke The emporer vs one of the world's strongest Zergs, what's not to like? Also, Another pvp with a big interest. Tyler is set out to prove himself because of his disappointing performance at mlg while socke shows himself to be the master of foreign pvp.
mouz.MorroW vs FOX_Moon
FXO.Sheth vs TLAF-Liquid`TLO
Grubby vs NrG.ViBE ST.RainBOw vs ROOT.KiWiKaKi
FnaticMSI.Fenix vs sixjax.Artosis KiWiKaKi is an AMAZINGLY strong protoss, and he is going to be facing RainBOw a powerful KR. Will KiWi's interesting stlye pay off vs RainBOw? Or will the korean crush the Canadian's dreams?
FnaticMSI.TT1 vs CN.MoMaN
aTn.DarKFoRcE vs EG.iNcontroL ST.July vs coL.CrunCher
FXOqxc vs White-Ra oGsEnsnare vs dignitas.SjoW Nothing
EG.Axslav vs mouz.Strelok
sixjax.dde vs FXOmOOnGLaDe ST.Squirtle vs FnaticMSI.KawaiiRice
ROOT.SLush vs dignitas.NaNiwa
TLAF-Liquid`Haypro vs oGs.NaDa I don't think haypro has the best chances to win very many games, but this is definitely a series where I think haypro can win it all as long as he decides not to make mutas.
Liquid`Ret vs coL.Stalife dignitas.SeleCT vs ESC.GoOdy
mouz.HasuObs vs ROOT.CatZ
EG.Machine vs oGs.MC BRAT_OK Didn't get to face Ace is IEM, but now is his chance. One of the strongest EU T vs a player with a 100% PvT win rate outside KR.
FnaticMSI.Sen vs mouz.MaNa
ROOT.Drewbie vs oGsZenio
EGIdrA vs LG.PainUser
aTn.Socke vs MYM.ClouD SlayerSBoxeR vs TLAF-Liquid`Tyler nothing
mouz.MorroW vs FnaticMSI.Fenix
ROOT.KiWiKaKi vs FXO.Sheth
sixjax.Artosis vs NrG.ViBE
TLAF-Liquid`TLO vs Grubby FOX_Moon vs ST.RainBOw Sheth is the #1 NA ZvP player, period. He is facing off against his old teammate KiWiKaKi, this will be an amazing match up pitting two former teammates up against each other.
dignitas.SjoW vs CN.MoMaN
EG.iNcontroL vs FnaticMSI.TT1
coL.CrunCher vs oGsEnsnare
aTn.DarKFoRcE vs White-Ra
FXOqxc vs ST.July Both of these players are SUPER SUPER SUPER aggressive. Which will produce some VERY face passed and destructive matches. If you want to watch drops + reapers vs. drops + Zergling counter attacks this is your sceries.
EG.Axslav vs TLAF-Liquid`Haypro
mouz.Strelok vs FXOmOOnGLaDe
FnaticMSI.KawaiiRice vs oGs.NaDa
ROOT.SLush vs sixjax.dde ST.Squirtle vs dignitas.NaNiwa Naniwa, the champion of mlg taking on a top tier korean protoss, definitely the most interesting match to watch in may.
mouz.HasuObs vs BRAT_OK
ESC.GoOdy vs EG.Machine oGs.MC vs coL.Stalife ST_Ace vs ROOT.CatZ dignitas.SeleCT vs Liquid`Ret nothing
aTn.Socke vs ROOT.Drewbie
LG.PainUser vs TLAF-Liquid`Tyler oGsZenio vs MYM.ClouD SlayerSBoxeR vs mouz.MaNa FnaticMSI.Sen vs EGIdrA I only marked this interesting because I believe IdrA will dominate this match and we will finally get to see idrA at his fullest potential.
TLAF-Liquid`TLO vs ROOT.KiWiKaKi
Grubby vs sixjax.Artosis
NrG.ViBE vs mouz.MorroW FOX_Moon vs FXO.Sheth
FnaticMSI.Fenix vs ST.RainBOw nothing
FXOqxc vs oGsEnsnare
CN.MoMaN vs EG.iNcontroL
dignitas.SjoW vs coL.CrunCher ST.July vs aTn.DarKFoRcE
FnaticMSI.TT1 vs White-Ra PVP foreigners dream match. most likely a 4 gate every game, but we will get to see who truly has the better micro, my guess is white-ra. Pvt is the least interesting MU imo, but hopefully sjow and cruncher show us a really close game
mouz.Strelok vs sixjax.dde ST.Squirtle vs ROOT.SLush FXOmOOnGLaDe vs TLAF-Liquid`Haypro
FnaticMSI.KawaiiRice vs EG.Axslav
dignitas.NaNiwa vs oGs.NaDa NaNiwa show cased his power at MLG, he is a BEAST. NaDa is a living legends, these games will be AMAZING.
ST_Ace vs dignitas.SeleCT
ROOT.CatZ vs coL.Stalife
Liquid`Ret vs EG.Machine
ESC.GoOdy vs BRAT_OK oGs.MC vs mouz.HasuObs The zvz foreigner special. Ret and machine are both trying to prove themselves very hard, and I think this matchup will have a lot of suprises.
FnaticMSI.Sen vs TLAF-Liquid`Tyler
LG.PainUser vs ROOT.Drewbie SlayerSBoxeR vs aTn.Socke
MYM.ClouD vs mouz.MaNa
EGIdrA vs oGsZenio Only interesting because of zenio wanting to play idra. Too bad idra will dominate. Last time they met I believe IdrA wasn't playing nearly as seriously as his opponent. Time for IdrA to show his real strength.
FOX_Moon vs TLAF-Liquid`TLO
sixjax.Artosis vs mouz.MorroW ST.RainBOw vs NrG.ViBE
ROOT.KiWiKaKi vs Grubby
FnaticMSI.Fenix vs FXO.Sheth nothing
FXOqxc vs dignitas.SjoW
aTn.DarKFoRcE vs oGsEnsnare
White-Ra vs EG.iNcontroL
coL.CrunCher vs CN.MoMaN
FnaticMSI.TT1 vs ST.July This is my favorite match in the end of may, can TT1 adapt to July's crazy style in time to stop him?
oGs.NaDa vs ROOT.SLush
dignitas.NaNiwa vs EG.Axslav ST.Squirtle vs sixjax.dde
FnaticMSI.KawaiiRice vs FXOmOOnGLaDe
TLAF-Liquid`Haypro vs mouz.Strelok nothing
ROOT.CatZ vs oGs.MC dignitas.SeleCT vs EG.Machine ST_Ace vs mouz.HasuObs
ESC.GoOdy vs coL.Stalife
BRAT_OK vs Liquid`Ret MC plays a very aggressive but less safe style. CatZ plays a very unorthadox style, will CatZ be able to find a chink in MC's armor in order to take some games from the worlds best player? OR will CatZ simply fall to MC's powerfull 4 gate?
ROOT.Drewbie vs FnaticMSI.Sen
EGIdrA vs TLAF-Liquid`Tyler oGsZenio vs aTn.Socke
LG.PainUser vs mouz.MaNa
MYM.ClouD vs SlayerSBoxeR The rivalry of the ages, I think these will be loooong drawn out games with IdrA barely winning in the end by stopping a 6 gate blink stalker all in.
TLAF-Liquid`TLO vs FnaticMSI.Fenix
FXO.Sheth vs NrG.ViBE
Grubby vs mouz.MorroW
sixjax.Artosis vs ST.RainBOw
ROOT.KiWiKaKi vs FOX_Moon nothing
FnaticMSI.TT1 vs oGsEnsnare
CN.MoMaN vs White-Ra
aTn.DarKFoRcE vs dignitas.SjoW
FXOqxc vs coL.CrunCher
EG.iNcontroL vs ST.July nothing
EG.Axslav vs ROOT.SLush FXOmOOnGLaDe vs dignitas.NaNiwa
TLAF-Liquid`Haypro vs sixjax.dde
FnaticMSI.KawaiiRice vs mouz.Strelok ST.Squirtle vs oGs.NaDa The only intersting pvt of the entire tournament is between two korean powerhouses. I'm putting my money on nada, but I wouldn't count squirtle out.
BRAT_OK vs dignitas.SeleCT
ROOT.CatZ vs Liquid`Ret
mouz.HasuObs vs coL.Stalife
ESC.GoOdy vs oGs.MC
EG.Machine vs ST_Ace GoOdy makes tanks, while MC has struggled in the past to unorthadox terran. Should be interesting at least.
EGIdrA vs ROOT.Drewbie
aTn.Socke vs mouz.MaNa FnaticMSI.Sen vs MYM.ClouD
TLAF-Liquid`Tyler vs oGsZenio
LG.PainUser vs SlayerSBoxeR nothing
FOX_Moon vs FnaticMSI.Fenix
TLAF-Liquid`TLO vs sixjax.Artosis
FXO.Sheth vs mouz.MorroW ST.RainBOw vs Grubby nothing
dignitas.SjoW vs EG.iNcontroL
FXOqxc v aTn.DarKFoRcE
FnaticMSI.TT1 vs coL.CrunCher
White-Ra vs oGsEnsnare
CN.MoMaN vs ST.July nothing
oGs.NaDa vs EG.Axslav
ROOT.SLush vs mouz.Strelok
dignitas.NaNiwa vs TLAF-Liquid`Haypro
FnaticMSI.KawaiiRice vs sixjax.dde ST.Squirtle vs FXOmOOnGLaDe nothing
oGs.MC vs dignitas.SeleCT
coL.Stalife vs BRAT_OK
ROOT.CatZ vs EG.Machine
mouz.HasuObs vs Liquid`Ret ST_Ace vs ESC.GoOdy nothing
mouz.MaNa vs ROOT.Drewbie
MYM.ClouD vs TLAF-Liquid`Tyler oGsZenio vs LG.PainUser
aTn.Socke vs FnaticMSI.Sen SlayerSBoxeR vs EGIdrA The only day where I marked 3 intersting matches and also the last day. Idra vs Boxer for obvious reasons, sen vs socke because I believe sen will show a new style of zvp somehow and zenio vs painuser with painuser coming through with the biggest upset of the tournament and winning 2-1.
Holy moly, I'll probably check more games out but will be checking your recommendations first since they look solid.
On April 09 2011 01:56 .Enigma. wrote: Holy moly, I'll probably check more games out but will be checking your recommendations first since they look solid.
haha i know, there's waaaay too many games. I'm kinda using it as a reference for myself as well.
you think mr "its ok" is more likely to be BM during a game than idra?
On April 09 2011 02:00 turdburgler wrote:you think mr "its ok" is more likely to be BM during a game than idra? 
lol, only because incontrol is involved in the NASL and they are both part of EG so idra will hide his BM for these games.
LOL @ Idra vs Zenio. Idra will dominate once again? Wtf? Idra got owned by Zenio when they played in GSL.
On April 09 2011 02:17 wherebugsgo wrote: LOL @ Idra vs Zenio. Idra will dominate once again? Wtf? Idra got owned by Zenio when they played in GSL.
I know, but I don't think IdrA was taking the games seriously at the time. I think IdrA will be much more determined. I'll add that.
On April 09 2011 02:06 darmousseh wrote:Show nested quote +On April 09 2011 02:00 turdburgler wrote:you think mr "its ok" is more likely to be BM during a game than idra?  lol, only because incontrol is involved in the NASL and they are both part of EG so idra will hide his BM for these games.
Naniwa will lose his deposit not for game-related BM but for other things like not showing up to a match on time.
Also, poor slush lol. I agree with you though, although I think Painuser also has a pretty good shot at losing every match in his group.
Pretty sick post, nice 1 OP. Bookmarked it for reference
I like your predictions and analysis on whos going to win and why. But I think most people will be able to watch more of those games. 22 is only 1/10th of those =/ Im assuming most people can catch at least 1/3 or even 1/2 of those.
Im probably going to watch them by days. if theres 4 matches i like then helllll yeah, if 3 then probably, if 2 then.....eh, and if only one match seems interesting I probably wont.
On April 09 2011 03:09 McKTenor13 wrote: I like your predictions and analysis on whos going to win and why. But I think most people will be able to watch more of those games. 22 is only 1/10th of those =/ Im assuming most people can catch at least 1/3 or even 1/2 of those.
Im probably going to watch them by days. if theres 4 matches i like then helllll yeah, if 3 then probably, if 2 then.....eh, and if only one match seems interesting I probably wont.
Yeah I hope to watch at least 1-2 matches every day, but if it's competing for time with something else (like gsl), then I might not watch any matches that day. I consider these the top 22 matches to watch. There were about 10 that were borderline, but I wanted to keep the list small.
On April 09 2011 01:56 .Enigma. wrote: Holy moly, I'll probably check more games out but will be checking your recommendations first since they look solid.
Same with me but great post. Thanks for the effort!
good effort but i disagree on many because of my EU bias :p
I don't what you are talking about, Goody TvT's are always interesting because the casters slowly lose their sanity.
Sweden33719 Posts
On April 09 2011 02:20 darmousseh wrote:Show nested quote +On April 09 2011 02:17 wherebugsgo wrote: LOL @ Idra vs Zenio. Idra will dominate once again? Wtf? Idra got owned by Zenio when they played in GSL. I know, but I don't think IdrA was taking the games seriously at the time. I think IdrA will be much more determined. I'll add that. ... IdrA was in the ro16 of the GSL, a tournament where the winner gets 80k and he wasnt taking it seriously?
On April 09 2011 03:55 Liquid`Jinro wrote:Show nested quote +On April 09 2011 02:20 darmousseh wrote:On April 09 2011 02:17 wherebugsgo wrote: LOL @ Idra vs Zenio. Idra will dominate once again? Wtf? Idra got owned by Zenio when they played in GSL. I know, but I don't think IdrA was taking the games seriously at the time. I think IdrA will be much more determined. I'll add that. ... IdrA was in the ro16 of the GSL, a tournament where the winner gets 80k and he wasnt taking it seriously?
As in, I don't think he was practicing as much as he should (which he said in a few interviews) and he underestimated his opponent (which he does often). An example is the latest MLG in dallas. Against Huk he seemed super determined to win and when he won he had a huge grin and when he lost he was really angry. When he lost to TLO, he didn't seem like he cared as much about that match and perhaps was tired from playing huk. I didn't see that kind of passion when he played zenio last time.
On April 09 2011 03:55 Liquid`Jinro wrote:Show nested quote +On April 09 2011 02:20 darmousseh wrote:On April 09 2011 02:17 wherebugsgo wrote: LOL @ Idra vs Zenio. Idra will dominate once again? Wtf? Idra got owned by Zenio when they played in GSL. I know, but I don't think IdrA was taking the games seriously at the time. I think IdrA will be much more determined. I'll add that. ... IdrA was in the ro16 of the GSL, a tournament where the winner gets 80k and he wasnt taking it seriously?
Any plans to dominate the open bracket? You only need to win 10 games in a row to make it to the playoffs.
On April 09 2011 03:50 Domination wrote: I don't what you are talking about, Goody TvT's are always interesting because the casters slowly lose their sanity.
His games are so freaking long, it's really hard to watch the entire thing.
Sweden33719 Posts
On April 09 2011 04:02 darmousseh wrote:Show nested quote +On April 09 2011 03:55 Liquid`Jinro wrote:On April 09 2011 02:20 darmousseh wrote:On April 09 2011 02:17 wherebugsgo wrote: LOL @ Idra vs Zenio. Idra will dominate once again? Wtf? Idra got owned by Zenio when they played in GSL. I know, but I don't think IdrA was taking the games seriously at the time. I think IdrA will be much more determined. I'll add that. ... IdrA was in the ro16 of the GSL, a tournament where the winner gets 80k and he wasnt taking it seriously? Any plans to dominate the open bracket? You only need to win 10 games in a row to make it to the playoffs. Not playing o,o I would have applied if I was intending to play.
I think you left out some other good games, luckily most of these land on your days where you say there is nothing interesting to watch... think you kind ignored some of the super beastly EU T's like SjoW and GoOdy, as well as the fun that can come from players like KiWiKaKi, QXC, and CatZ through their unique styles. Jump my oppinion though.
+ Show Spoiler +4/12 sixjax.Artosis vs FXO.ShethArtosis' grand return to pro-gaming... not to mention Sheth is the best NA ZvP. 4/14 dignitas.NaNiwa vs mouz.StrelokWe can see if NaNiWa can continue his reign of terror from MLG by trying to take out one of EU's strongest terrans 4/15 ESC.GoOdy vs ROOT.CatZTwo unorthadox players, can CatZ use his "standard" play to beat the panzer general? BRAT_OK vs oGs.MCMC is the world's current #1 player, he is a beast. BRAT_OK is seen by many as the #1 EU player, period. Can MC beat this powerhouse terran? Or will the "boss" prevail? Not to mention we will get to see how much the lag affects MC's FF micro. 4/20 White-Ra vs dignitas.SjoWTwo of EU's strongest players, White-Ra is a legend while SjoW has a beastly 65% win rate against almost every race. ST.July vs oGsEnsnareTwo amazingly tallented Koreans are duking it out on the KR server (I hope) under no lage situations. Ensnare has been tearing up the international scene while July has been destroying players at home. 4/22 oGs.MC vs Liquid`RetSeriously? SERIOUSLY? How is Ret vs MC not interesting? Ret is one of the worlds best Zergs, he just hasn't had a chance to show how amazingly powerful he is. Vs. MC he has a world class opponent to show case the power of his Zerg play. 4/27 dignitas.SjoW vs ST.JulyAgain, SjoW is a BEAST, huge win rates... and then we have the god of war, what isn't to like about this game? ZvT is very interesting if they get past the early game and considering how strong July's aggressive play is... 4/30 SlayerSBoxeR vs oGsZenioThe emporer vs one of the world's strongest Zergs, what's not to like? 5/3 ST.RainBOw vs ROOT.KiWiKaKiKiWiKaKi is an AMAZINGLY strong protoss, and he is going to be facing RainBOw a powerful KR. Will KiWi's interesting stlye pay off vs RainBOw? Or will the korean crush the Canadian's dreams? 5/6 BRAT_OK vs ST_AceBRAT_OK Didn't get to face Ace is IEM, but now is his chance. One of the strongest EU T vs a player with a 100% PvT win rate outside KR. 5/10 ROOT.KiWiKaKi vs FXO.ShethSheth is the #1 NA ZvP player, period. He is facing off against his old teammate KiWiKaKi, this will be an amazing match up pitting two former teammates up against each other. 5/11 FXOqxc vs ST.JulyBoth of these players are SUPER SUPER SUPER aggressive. Which will produce some VERY face passed and destructive matches. If you want to watch drops + reapers vs. drops + Zergling counter attacks this is your sceries. 5/19 dignitas.NaNiwa vs oGs.NaDaNaNiwa show cased his power at MLG, he is a BEAST. NaDa is a living legends, these games will be AMAZING. 5/27 ROOT.CatZ vs oGs.MCMC plays a very aggressive but less safe style. CatZ plays a very unorthadox style, will CatZ be able to find a chink in MC's armor in order to take some games from the worlds best player? OR will CatZ simply roll over to MC's powerfull 4 gate? 6/3 ESC.GoOdy vs oGs.MCGoOdy makes tanks, MC 4 gates... this match will be awesome.
As well:
You picked:
21 series Across 18 differnt days
I picked
18 series Across 16 differnt days
Meaning together its:
39 series of 225 series
We also have every day except these covered with interesting games:
21,28,4,7,13,17,24,26,31,1,4,7,8,9,10 = 15/45 without any interesting games