BabyToss again, with semi-regular musings reporting again. So, what's this about this time? Probably going to be a wall of text again, as it's my (bad?) habit. But, I'm not much of a talker normally, I surely am better at expressing my thoughts in the written form. Sooo...
Preparing for first SC2 tournament
Wait, what? Did I really sign up for a lanparty with SC2 tournament on it? I had a weak moment and decided to do that, despite of never being on a lanparty before and despite of not knowing anyone here. Departing this Friday, it's a weekend event here in Czech republic. I kinda look forward to it, but my shy nature also kicks in, so the anxiety is here. First, it's my first event of this nature, second, it's my first tournament ever, third - I have noone I'd know on the lanparty, so I'll be basically alone here. While I am not good at dealing with huge amount of people, I'd surely feel more comfortable having at least one person here who I'd know! So, why did I sign up for a tournament where I know I have zero chance of winning? The thing with me is, I want to get over my anxiety and shyness, so maybe this may help me on the way, as well as maybe meet more people in my country who enjoy the game as much as I do.
I am still hoping I wil at least lose with some dignity, without losing in the most ridiculous way, while having fun at it. Like I said, I'm not going there to win or anything. But, there's this anxiety from so many people - the damn SC2 tournament alone has atm 80 confirmed members. That's huge, considering I live in small country. I am like, worried I'll not be able to do even a single build order right, because of being all nervous!
What I hope to bring from the tournament is, more motivation for SC2, different expeiences as well as overcoming my anxiety when it comes to laddering! After all, once someone has to deal with so many people in real life, shouldn't it be so much easier to laugh about playing mere ladder game?
Wish me luck.
The community, one big heaart to you!
Since I made my 'Day9 made me to do it' post, I've met so many new people. In all honesty, when I made that previous post, I'd never, ever expect so many responses. And in all honesty, I feel guilty for not being able to respond and play with everyone, because after all, I did want to get know new people who love the game and have similar struggles, and now, I just can hardly catch up! Of all things, this whole thing helps me to come out of my shell as well, so to speak. Hanging out with people and all this.
I must say that this community here is unique in a way. In most games and communities I've participated in, people were just trolling and insulting each other for the most part. Here, people make an unique enviroment. StarCraft 2 is a world on its own, with its own culture, slang, jokes and set of people. And it's what makes StarCraft 2 so much more awesome. It's not 'just' a game anymore. It's full-fledged hobby to have, time consuming, enjoyable. Bringing me laugher, good times, struggles and tears equally.
Since I came to SC2, there were some people shaping me along the way. First of them being iNcontroL - He was the person who taught me the importance of solid fundamentals as well as important thing about how important mindset is in this game. It's still a lesson for me to be learnt, but the short quote I still bear in my signature here, it's something worth remembering. Thank you, sir! Can't forget Ryan Rushia, who's been helping me great deal of time by now. He's one hell of a patient, encouraging guy, a good friend to have! So my thanks to Ryan as well, I certainly enjoy the work we do together as well as the laughs we shared together!
I can't forget noob3ert, Loophole & Coolhite! These three were loyal friends of mine since I started my StarCraft 2 journey. Even though I sometimes felt like slapping both noob3ert and Coolhite for roflstoming me so hard, my StarCraft 2 experience wouldn't be the same without them.
StarCraft 2 helps me!
Yes, it really does. Me being shy and all that in real life, it's difficult for me to communicate with people. Since I made that post, and people were getting touch with me, I was forced to get out of my shell and talk to them. I've opened various ways how to meet new people who love the game as much as I do. It's contradicting my usual ways of shyness, and I hope to be able to keep this up.
Twitter & Stream
In the light of me fighting my super duper shyness, I've even made Twitter account, so for people who contacted me to be my buddies, or just anyone who'd want to read random SC2 shoutouts, just feel free to add me to keep in touch in other than StarCraft 2 way. After all, we all are not always in the game and it may be a good thing to keep in touch with friends in other ways.
Can't forget to mention my stream. While I don't expect many people to watch me (in fact, I'd probably run away if that was the case!), I do hope that people of similar level might enjoy it from time to time, to see the struggles of a low level player, maybe bringing some suggestions as to how to improve. I stream occassionally when in mindset for it...Trolls please stay away, last time when trolls joined my chat channel I had to run away..
So, here goes:
JustinTV Stream Channel:
Shoutout to the community
Once again, keep being awesome, community. One big heart to you.