So, who am I?
In StarCraft 2, I'm Dee-Kej, a

My real name is Daniel, I'm a "young man" who turns 21 this summer and live in Stockholm, Sweden in my own place. Er, well, kind of my own place - it's a one room apartment w/ kitchen, bathroom and separate entry that's connected (though blocked off since I moved here) to my dad's apartment next door. But even though I live next door I see him probably as much/little as I would if I lived somewhere else.

And here comes the part where I'm supposed to tell you what I do and what my interests are, right? Well, the thing is, I'm not exactly a one-trick pony. -__-' There's a lot of things I hold dear, so bear with me, k? I'll write more about the different topics in other blogs, but I'll just give you the gist of it now.
For starters, what I do for a living these days is nothing. I'm unemployed like so many others my age here in Stockholm, and I've been able to basically live of my savings since august last year. Those savings however are, as you can imagine, dwindling. Waiting to hear from a job on Tuesday though, but more about that then. I do go to uni, studying "Russian for beginners", but unlike most other swedish students I don't get the regular ~$250 a month due to me failing my first year in college. But that's also for another time. The course in Russian is however only a stepping stone to be able to get money this fall when I hopefully start learning game development. I say hopefully, but I'm confident that I'll get in. At the open house they had I consulted a representative there about my chances of getting in, to which their response was sort of "lol, you'll get in for sure". Meanwhile, I'm doing what I can to keep up my not-so-über skills in check and improving them.
I've always been interested in design (so much that I from ~age 7 KNEW I wanted to be an industrial designer. But wait - I'm not following that dream anymore? Another blog. ^^') but haven't really drawn or created that much throughout the years - although my skills in drawing have been better than complete shit for quite some time now. I'm currently in a original character tournament over on DeviantART where I draw a comic every month. I'm only doing my second comic so far, but the experience is priceless and I learned a ton of stuff just after my first comic (that turned out to be 20 pages in full colour lol).
As a sidenote with shameless self promotion - I recently put up a stream here on TL where I (aside from sc2-games) stream whenever I do my comic in photoshop. Go check out my stream thread out if you want to.
I also took some classes in 3D during highschool which I scored highest marks in, however I haven't done anything serious in 3D for at least a year. Though that will hopefully change soon - I just got hold of a good video on youtube that shows how to rig a character for animation in 3ds max (which I use) that I'll take a closer look on soon. Video is here if you want to see. His videos with Pyro from TF2 just got me so "omgItotallygottodothis" which I hadn't felt for 3D in a while.
And speaking of great games - of course I've always been a gamer, like so many others here on TL. Though StarCraft (and even multiplayer games in general) came into my life only recently. I still remember how much fun me and my younger brother had with games like Whiplash and Pandemonium on our old computer with a whopping 256 MB hard drive space. xD My only experience with SC:BW was in school when I was maybe 10-11 years old. There was a whopping total of TWO computers in the after-school club area my school had, and even though I didn't play a lot, I loved the game even back then. I vaguely remember playing the campaign and using black sheep wall all the time. I had such a hard time remembering the other cheat codes - I always raged a little whenever I knew I only had like one letter wrong, but I never figured out which one in "power overwhelming" xD (two hard words for a young swedish boy, I tell ya).
Hm, that touched on a little on gaming, school, design and 3D... I'll touch on Parkour and other stuff another time. For now, this'll do. My urge to write has lessened, and my urge to sleep heightened.

Again, I'm going to be posting tings of more value to you the readers soon, but this was my way of getting started. I'll see ya around, TL.