Listen, you say you work shitty jobs to make ends meet. You also say you have talent and skills that could make you money but that you don't want to "sell out". If you are able to make a living doing something you are good at and enjoy, do it. Don't for a second try to make the excuse that you are too good to go out and do things because you are morally held back by not wanting to take part in the capitalist society you seem to hate so much. That is a poor excuse for not having the courage or willpower to try.
To give in, or to not give in? - Page 3
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Canada113 Posts
Listen, you say you work shitty jobs to make ends meet. You also say you have talent and skills that could make you money but that you don't want to "sell out". If you are able to make a living doing something you are good at and enjoy, do it. Don't for a second try to make the excuse that you are too good to go out and do things because you are morally held back by not wanting to take part in the capitalist society you seem to hate so much. That is a poor excuse for not having the courage or willpower to try. | ||
Argentina1258 Posts
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United States212 Posts
On March 30 2011 14:39 HeadhunteR wrote: Have you ever listened to Pink Floyd? Welcome to the Machine.You are part of the Machine, you cannot escape it. Give in and stop being a fool you being counter cultural is just as a part of the machine as being in it. Use the Machine to your advantage and change the lives of those around you improve their lives and yours will be improved. Helping others is a great place to start. Its funny because I was actually thinking of just telling him to watch the wall and listen to dark side. | ||
United States1077 Posts
There are two levels of evolution occurring here. Both societal evolution and genetic evolution are driven by capitalism. Through our need for ever more money we are driven to work together on huge projects and advanced technology, which helps all of society. And through lack of money the weak (should be) culled, contributing to our genetic advancement. The concepts of "equality" and "rights" are purely human concepts that had no place in the world even 1000 years ago. Among animals no such thing exists. Competition for resources is the only law in the animal kingdom. It used to be that if you wanted to eat, you had to personally go out and forage or kill an animal for food. But now that food is plentifully available thanks to agriculture, why do anything? Something had to fill the competitive void left by the food surplus, and that something is money. Money is FAR from evil, it is amazing. It is an abstract currency that represents units of work, allowing people to do whatever they want as long as it is useful to others in some way, and make a living doing it. The purpose of capitalism is to motivate people to work hard. Without the need for money, people would sit on their fat asses and literally not do a damn thing. I know *I* would play SC2 all day if I had no fear of starvation. But lazy people do not live up to their full potential, and by doing so, they do not contribute to the advancement of society. I view human society as an organism, with each person acting as a cell. Just as one brain cell can do nothing without networking, one person is useless without others. In the same vein, a brain cell that does not network is simply a drain on the resources of the body. I am a social Darwinist. I do not believe that all beings are created equal, because we simply are not. I do not believe that all beings have the "right to life", because life is cruel and often short, and bullshitting about "rights" will not prevent others from taking them away from you. People like you have become weak and soft, and have forgotten that we are animals. Death is still a very imminent concept to every other species on this planet except Homo Sapiens. I will leave you with this table grace that my mother taught me: All life is one, and everything that lives is holy - plants, animals, Man. All must eat to live and nourish one another. We bless the lives that have died to give us this food. Let us eat consciously, resolving by our work to pay the debt of our existence. Understand that every time you eat something, you are killing another being. Cooperation is inherently impossible in the animal kingdom, since we must kill to eat. The only way we can attempt to improve the world is to give back more than we took away - to "pay the debt of our existence." If you refuse to do this, you are simply a drain on the resources of the world. PS: (here comes the ad hominem attack - steel yourself) You sound like a fucking hipster. Too cool to fit in. Why don't you grow a pair and realize that it's NOT "what's inside that counts," but that a man is judged by the worth of his actions alone. I don't care if you're Albert fucking Einstein, if you just sit in your basement and teach your friends guitar for free, you're a waste of space, air, resources, and time. You don't like the way the world is? Get off your ass and do something about it. Hipsters talk, real men do. PPS: If you do decide that you really can't handle society, you might consider joining a commune. There are plenty around the world. I should know, my parents met at one ![]() | ||
Germany2548 Posts
Some random thoughts: I myself have concluded that education in a broader sense is the only thing that has any real kind of meaning. I'm not talking about knowledge here, since actually I'm pretty worried that we can not keep up with the speed of scientific progress in terms of our ethical development. As a human race we're still hard pressed to figure out the "right" way to deal with nuclear power- a technology that was discovered more than 60 years ago and still might lead to destruction and demise. What I'm talking about is education in a more moral/social sense. In my opinion one can not make the "world" better- inventions, political constructs etc. they just change the scenery for the same old (tiresome) evolutionary show: Humans exploit whatever they can find, including each other. So in order to really make a difference, you got to change the way men behave. Trying to "better" the coming generations either by just setting a good example or direct teaching (or both ![]() In terms of capitalism/ the evil system- think of Bill Gates, he's setting a pretty a good example for being in the system and yet working to help thousands/millions. | ||
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