First schools. Through smarter studying, and calming myself down I have gotten two Cs up to Bs. One of the Bs I can’t make an A, but the other one is much more feasible. So I’m doing much better. So anyways, things have improved.
Similarly my mom has been crazy, but by just locking myself in my room I’ve avoided a lot of the problems. I’ve just stayed in my room/been at the library for basically the entire time except for when I’m on the computer/meals.
I’ll be visiting UCSB, UCSD, Pepperdine, UCI, UCLA, and USC week after this one. (The sixth is on that week, blah.) I won’t say hi to anybody, but do any of you guys go to any of those schools, and how do you like them. Also applies for those attending U texas Austin, UCB, and DVC (Local community college, hehe (mom was yelling about how I better tour there)
Second: I’m interested in economics/business, but also money. I’m certainly competent enough at the sciences, but that’s where my grades have been weak, so I doubt I could get into many higher tier universities. I’m not sure whether I should just apply undeclared letters and sciences assuming I would go down a business/law path, or undergraduate econ degree, or … I dunno. Does anybody have insights about any of this? What can you do with an undergraduate econ degree?
I’m finally starting to do better in matchups on ladder. I still can’t really deal with late game toss or zerg, but I’m able to end most games in the midgame, or get enough advantage to still win.
My best game I’ve played in a long time, includes this, and also had a real life fist pump. I managed to emp his templars, (and basically entire army) and while engaged in a huge battle nuke his mineral line, killing 65% of his workers. He left right afterwards. After a real life fist-pump I went back into the replay and got this epic screenshot.