I'm an extremely dedicated Gold league Protoss player and at this time and I am primarily focusing on finding a Gold league or above Zerg player who can help me by being my practice partner and/or mentor. Keep in mind I really need someone who is active and can play and help me for more than just a handful of games. This would be something that is relatively long-term that hopefully both of us can benefit from and imrpove from drastically.
I am in Florida and only have a NA server BN account (username: FODDER, friend code: 660) so hopefully that helps anyone understand the timezone situation. I am on essentially most of the day and ready to practice so it shouldn't be too hard to work something out. If you have any questions and I don't happen to be online leave me a PM on the site of course.

In the future, when I get comfortable enough with this matchup hopefully I can move on to looking for a Terran and fellow Protoss player. But for now I'm nowhere near ready to work on 3 matches at once. Anyways thanks in advance to anyone and everyone who could give me a hand! Take care all!