I have a small problem and need input from a large number of people and what better place to get that then TL?
Anyway, me and my highschool class will be graduating at the end of this semester but before we can do so we need to compete in something called the "Donner-Olympics" (Donner being my school). Now, the results in this competition are really important since the winner gets to decide in which order they want to embark from the boat that is used to transport people from the school to the parents. Quite a bit of prestige there

We need to dress up according to some theme because there are points given for the best costumes.
The theme needs to be uniform, we can't dress up as "Grey's anatomy" because no-one will get that.
Last years winner:
A Roman army, complete with a king and queen. This class came marching in to the sound of trumpets and with a front man riding on a horse.
They had sewn up capes and made weapons and shields, everything! It was really amazing and a bit above the level that classes usually do but the theme has stuck on and this year classes will be trying to outperform them.
Now, the horse thing has already been done so unless we can get hold of an elephant, no animals. Preferably the theme should not cost too much money since we have some slackers in the class but if you have an awesome idea, throw it out here

We are 30 students btw, all 18 years old.
All help appreciated (even the silly stuff)!