FYI before you waste your time: I cast in german and i'm no Khaldor, so unless you talk german it will probably not be interesting for you.
Hi, after i had to cast a small tournament since the caster who was intended for it went offline and didn't return, i started to become interested in casting. One reason for it was because it's actually quite fun, eventhough i suck at it. Another reason is because i'm someone who actually hates talking because i suck at it, which is something i really want - and have to - change. Before i say anything i always think about it 3 times until it's too late to say it anyways, so i just don't say it. Also, while talking i think about the sentence so much that mid-sentence i change it and the result is... well, often quite wierd and confusing. So to learn to talk more relaxed without thinking that much about it and maybe some day have a little more emotion in my voice i'm now starting to cast more regularly and i also started to upload the casts to a youtube channel to get more feedback. The casts are play-by-play since otherwise i would still think too much and talk too little.
Currently all videos are from a live cast from my stream, so the quality is not exactly very good and there is no opening line (which i still need - the first words are always the hardest for me), but i bought Fraps yesterday and recorded a replay cast of an IEM game of Morrow vs White-Ra which i'm just converting to something smaller than 39GB (Fraps records uncompressed, 30s video = 1GB data) and i will upload it today as soon as it's finished.
I would appreciate any (constructive) feedback, i know that my casting (currently) sucks and that as a mere diamond player i don't know anything about the game, so it's not neccessary to give just that as feedback
So if you still want to listen to a caster with a negative amount of Words-per-minute, feel free to check out my channel at http://youtube.com/SCMorfildur
UPDATE: The IEM Replay Cast is online and while there are some (or better "a lot of") facepalm moments it isn't tooooo bad.
Hey, just keep practicing. You get better in casting as you get more experience. Also check other casters like Khaldor to see what they do right and try to put those things in your casts. Personally my casting style has been influenced a lot by TotalBiscuit and some things from Day9 as well, though I can't exactly say I'm even close to being that good yet. Practice and thou shalt become better.
Good luck. I tried to cast my own games for my self analysis. I find it very very hard to open and also I try to talk too much in a presentation style (Which uses preparation as its core) and thus fail at moments.
Just practice, public presentations should not be a problem for u, if they are then that is step one to improving ;D
I'm now having the problem getting some newer replays. I casted some IEM replays but i'd love to have replays of other tournaments. Anyone knows what a good source for those is? Ofc i can go through all replay sites google can find, but i don't know which site is the best source for tournament replays :-(
MLG Dallas released every replay I believe, just go pick out some replays, fast forward through them to get the general scope and entertainment value of the game and cast it.
I dont speak german but I watched your vid and can give you some feedback.
Even though I dont speak the language from your vocals it was very clear that you lacked confidence in your casting ability. Thats not a problem! Everyone needs to start somewhere. The thing about confidence is that you really need to "fake it until you make it". Even Day9 says some obviously stupid things in his casts, but because he sounds confident it minimizes the damage.
I'd recommend keeping your casting private until you do become confident in your skillz. Theres a lot of haters out there who will point out your many flaws, which is inevitable for any new casters. And I think at this stage that would cause you more harm than good. Another thing to consider is that if you publically air sub-par content, people will judge you for that content even after you've improved immensely. Theres a lot of youtube casters out there I listened to once, and if it was bad, I never listened to them again (even if they did improve). There's plenty of other casters out there; you need to convince me that you're worth listening to else I'll go somewhere else.
Don't worry about being "only" a diamond player. I can guarentee you that theres plenty of better players out there that would actually cast worst than you. =) Diamond is enough to understand the basics; actually I think Gold would be enough.
Try to use the other spectator panels more. The production tab is good for making sure the audience doesnt miss anything, however its important to look at harvester counts after harassment and expands. And its important to look at the unit counting station before major battles happen.