Only got accepted to one of the five colleges I applied to. Thinking about appealing (begging on my knees) to some of them, but I'm debating whether or not to put in that effort. Rejected from UCSD, UCLA, UCBerkeley (99% sure), USC. Only one I got into = UCIrvine. Really wanted to go to UCSD for their nano program, but not getting in there isn't going to change my plans that much.
How well did you guys do in your college apps?
Currently on a 5-15 skid in SC2. 3 of those wins are TvT.. I only play macro games. Holy shit, TvP and TvZ are impossible. I'm finding myself with an insanely tiny army of tech units or a really large mass of T1 units that die to collosi and fungal+everything else. I really want to find a solution to macro terran without having to resort to turtling until you get 15 tanks...
Anyone want to practice with me?
Life's shitty, but all my friends are there to back me up. Been somewhat social lately...gonna meet up with all my buddies that left for college (and left me behind in high school lol). I'm catching up with all the latest drama now that I'm a little more sociable. All I can say is that I'm thankful I was a nerd for the first three years of high school...but hearing all this drama shit makes me realize how lucky I am to have friends. High school does weird shit to you...
How's life treating you guys?
Picking my violin back up...sorta. Giving out lessons, but I realized im not that great of a teacher. Looking forward to senior prom and graduation, but not looking forward to the 4 AP test I have to take right after (or right before...i forgot). Getting my license soon (yay), but my parents probably wont get me insurance (FUCK). Lost like 200 gigs worth of pirated movies...but I can always just redownload them if I remember what I lost in the first place..
End rant.
16951 Posts
I got accepted into the three schools I applied to.
Saved a bunch of money on apps, and I honestly really didn't want to go to any school except one of the ones I applied to, so things worked out anyway.
Simple life.
As for practicing, no, I quit SC2 months ago.
Life's good, though. Can't complain.
Oh AP tests, don't remind me. Noooo...
Other than that though, life is goot!
You got your USC decision already? When did it come? I still haven't gotten mine yet hmmm
How the HELL did you lose 200gb of movies?
On March 24 2011 14:45 GhostKorean wrote: You got your USC decision already? When did it come? I still haven't gotten mine yet hmmm
Yea they mail it to you with a letter. I screwed myself over by not sending my midyears (4 C's...)
On March 24 2011 14:47 mizU wrote: How the HELL did you lose 200gb of movies?
My internal HDD got severely fragmented and just died lol.
Nice to see life's treating you guys well!
I got rejected from my top two last year, couldn't pay for anything but state :/ It's kind of a blessing in disguise, I'm relatively loaded and afforded a lot of unique opportunities as a top student. I wouldn't sweat it though. I remember I let it ruin the end of my senior year, I regret that more than the actual rejections... Life's pretty good, met a girl finally but grades are flirting with (relative) disaster ^^ Excited for the future, the best part of the college is how much opens up for you
I didn't try hard enough for the schools that I applied to, I got 8/8, but I only consider 5 of them real schools (Others were state schools). I definitely should've applied to some ivies or something... oh well...
Life is treating me horribly (maybe not that bad, but pretty lame), my school is on the quarter system, so they put crazy amounts of work into 10 weeks. I barely have free time; I just spent like all day doing HW/ studying :/
BUT, it's okay, cause at the end of the day, I know I have TL to fall back on 
As for your situation, good luck, hopefully you'll manage to get into what you want!
I was in the same situation! I only got into one school, UC Davis, out of 7. I was so butt hurt but looking back now, it was such a trivial thing.
The thing is, you're going to a great school regardless and you never know who you'll meet. Enjoy college man it's so sick.
You win some you lose some, so don't be too down. Soon you'll realize you wouldn't have it any other way. gl hf
I got turned down by 4 of my Universities my last ditch bid at a university I didn't even see listed initially got accepted, and it's so far been the best 2 years of my life. Met my Girlfriend who've I've been with for 17 months this week, I've studying on exchange in Osaka Japan atm something other Uni's might not have been able to offer, or mite have cancelled in the wake of this earthquake. You got accepted into one place, who's to say that isn't for the best, life is what you make of it.
UK university entrances are different, we get 6 attempts to get into a university then we are allowed to apply for the courses left that no one wanted once everyone else has a place if failed at that point.. after that, gotta do it all again if you fail.
Last year I got into 2/6 but one was super unrealistic (USAFA. They need to learn to close their app after you can't get letters from congresspeople) so that still leaves 2/5. One of the two I got into (state school) was a back up, -____- Rejected from UCLA (didn't care for much cause I wasn't looking to So Cal), Berkeley (I would've gone if I got it but it was a long shot) and Davis (This one will forever haunt me). I made it into UCSD. Not exactly what I hoped for (I wanted Davis) but eh. You get by with what you get. So really 1/4.... lol
Don't think about it so much. Just kind of enjoy your time and look forward to getting out and seeing meeting new people and having new experiences (College stories are awesome).
go to UCI and join their insanely pro CSL team
or appeal to USC, come here, and join our insanely awesome esports club
your choice
I only got into 1/6... I am now a senior and about to graduate. The one I got into was my "backup school" but is still highly ranked in engineering. Just go to school and have fun, the people you meet will end up being far more important than where you go, unless you plan to get a PhD.
APPEAL! It actually does work out quite well for people, as long as they have the grades/sats/etc. If you got into Irvine, you should definitely be able to get SD(almost nobody in my school last year got rejected from one and accepted into the other, maybe things changed in one year..)
I go to Irvine and I can't complain, great school, nice campus, good area, and awesome starcraft team.
Vatican City State1650 Posts
I've lost all my motivation, my grades are suffering because of it and I am getting into a state of self-loathing. Oh yeah...and in the last year I've had little success in anything.
Been better...
EDIT: You know, actually, fuck that...
I overshot my dreams in high school and completely failed to achieve them. But it worked out for the better, as I would have gone down a path I don't think would have been for me, even if I had been accepted into my dream schools.
Basically was in a business oriented magnet school, wanted to go to UPenn/Princeton, wouldn't have had the grades/extracurriculars for either, and then dropped out in junior year because of health problems.
I'm 21 now, and going to community college. Probably about a year behind my peers who are at various universities now, but I'm no longer as interested in business as I was. Took a semester or two to figure out what I wanted to do, taking some general ed classes as random language/humanities and have a pretty solid idea that I want to go into Pharmacy.
i spent at least 1.5k on Apps. I got rejected from almost all UCs except shit ones likes SC and riverside. got into cal poly, puget sound, gonzaga. Fucking recession is hurting my ass. UCLA,Davis, SD all have acceptance rates this year under 10%
2nd Worst City in CA8938 Posts
On March 24 2011 15:53 superbabosheki wrote: APPEAL! It actually does work out quite well for people, as long as they have the grades/sats/etc. If you got into Irvine, you should definitely be able to get SD(almost nobody in my school last year got rejected from one and accepted into the other, maybe things changed in one year..)
I go to Irvine and I can't complain, great school, nice campus, good area, and awesome starcraft team.
UCSD is much harder to get in than UCIrvine. If you get accepted into UCSD, no reason to get rejected by UCI.
I was offered a full ride to UCI but got rejected by UCSD when I applied.
Oh well, got into UCSD anyway. Community college for the win.