Now if I am to survive
The infection must die
Murder the beast
That's been eating me alive
The infection must die
~Disturbed's song "The Infection"The infection must die
Murder the beast
That's been eating me alive
The infection must die
Yeah, so for the past few days my throat has been quite sore, as well as my eyes becoming quite red. At first I assumed my eyes were red because I had caught Pink-Eye from my brother, and the sore throat was nothing to worry about. It hasn't gotten even better (even after using my brother's Pink-Eye Medicine, so i don't think it is Pink-Eye), so I decided to head over to a local clinic today.
When I got there, I waited in the lobby for a good 20-30 mins (it was busy today for some reason). When i finally got assigned to a room, the doctor came in, looked around me a bit (heartbeat, look in my mouth/at my eyes), and told me that i had some kind of eye and throat infection. The concept of having infection in my eyes scared me (not as much as having it in the man-berries like i did a few years ago), and I only hope I can tone down the redness in my eyes by next week.
So now i've picked up the pescription that the doctor wrote up. 3 500mg pills of some kind of penacilin per day (pills are big, gonna have to get used to swallowing them) as well as one drop of another medicine in my each of my eyes twice a day. Sigh, i hope i don't end up losing my sight (im paranoid ok?) or anything else bad happening to my eyes. I don't want to have to play SC2 by-proxy.
So yeah, what a way to spend my march break. Staying at home all day taking pills and waiting to get better.