This is probably gonna be a daily rage blog. Most things on my mind make me rage so be prepared for swearing/bad thinking. The main point of this is for me to take things off my mind and without breaking things with FRUSTRATION! Also without getting banned from making a rage thread like before(sorry chill)
1.MATH- Yes I made a thread for math help and people suggested some stuff but I don't understand the point of learning math past the Algebra level. I cant count on one hand how important it is to me and how stupid it is that we must continue learning it even though it serves no purpose to us. I understand the point of learning what the Holocaust was, I understand what the point of learning proper English and how to write essay, and understand what a metaphor and simile is. But it seems like it waste of time to me to even bother learning it, but maybe it is cause I am a high school student who cannot do it.
2.TvZ- How hard TvZ for both players is amazing. Whoever said TvZ is cake or ZvT is cake I want you to play the other side and see how frustrating it can be. Currently I see it as Terran has some really good opening and work of them but as a Zerg I see it as if I make it past this minute without losing 15 drones, I win the game. I mainly play Terran and it just seems like a Zerg can just 2a bane-lings at me and destroy 90% of my marines if I don't split partially right. Then if the Zerg does not have a overseer placed right, bye bye 5 drones.
I have been screwing around with a Marine raven strat, but it is very hard to do right and it can be very ineffective vs a roach push. But if he dose Fast expand I can successfully expand my self. Then transitioning into a very heavy Marine raven and taking control of my 3rd and hopefully 4th,and transitioning into Marine/Tank/Thor/Raven
If you did read 10% cool. If you read the italics and posted this sucks well thank thank you for the view count
I read closely enough to notice the typo in the math paragraph. Do I get a cookie?
Ooh also in your marine/raven paragraph. This deserves a cake! :D
I don't see it haha
Math paragraph: "pat --> past", "and --> the" Marine/Raven paragraph: "dose --> does", "transioting --> transitioning"
Your 3rd sentence in the TvZ paragraph also incorrectly uses "work". "Work of them" doesn't really make sense.
Cookie please
Sorry only 16 . I will fix it though! I always screw up dose and does. I just type it without thinking
if you're doing any kind of engineering in college, you'll see the applications of calculus if you're doing anything else, it could pretty much be useless even though you'll probably be required to take at least calc 1
Read that. Everyone on TL read that, not just the OP. Christ it frustrates me when people drop the "when am I ever going to use this crap" bomb on math. Learning mathematics isn't about learning what the directrix of a parabola is, it's about learning how to think, how to deal with high levels of abstraction, and how to approach the world in a logical, systematic way.
Also read this for a spot-on essay describing how the way mathematics is taught in the US right now is pretty much the worst thing that could ever happen to the field... http://www.maa.org/devlin/LockhartsLament.pdf
The elegant solution to OP's problem is that people who ask the question of "why do we learn math past X level" will end up never using it past that level.