BabyToss again, with semi-weekly update!
First of all, I've been trying to ladder much more this week, to finally break through to Silver, to get further on my path to
Games this week?!
Like I mentioned, I was laddering considerably more, compared to my previous weeks, where I was more training with my buddies over at NA. In fact, my buddies on NA were severaly neglected this week, as I was laddering on my EU account. Sorry guys, but NA is way too cheesy for my taste in Bronze.
What about my ladder games though? The matchmaker went kind of nuts, despite of my W/L ratio being rather average. Placing me against Silvers, that I would find OK'ish, but I also had to face like one Gold Zerg and then someone who was in his placement matches and beating gold/plats as he was in it. Of course, I lost both of these games and both happened to be Zergs. Maybe I'm losing my anti-Zerg mojo lately? The thing is, especially that guy in placements; when I saw the replay, that guy knew exactly how to play the Zerg. Expanding along nicely, putting up a constant pressure, making me afraid to even make a fracking expo.
In fact, I'll be including the pack of some of my ladder games this time. I've always been hesitant about it, as some of you, who've been following my blogs know I am not exactly too self-confident person; but I've been trying to find some worth in myself lately, discarding my previously negative attitude. But, please, don't troll too hard, I am still just a newb.
My Ladder Replays HERE<---CLICKY
Note - I actually lost my cool in few of the replays and kinda... BM'd. I'm sorry for that.
Ongoing issues in gameplay?
There are still things I really need to work on.
Macro - I believe this is actually an area, which I improved the most in last few weeks. I've been working on getting my lategame macro slightly better, without it divebombing and laying on thousands of minerals, having not enough production structures to spend the friggin' minerals on. Of course, it still slips, especially when I.. erm, panic and put too much focus on other stuff which needs to be dealth with. So, while I am bold enough to say my macro has improved, I still need to engrave it into that head of mine so I just don't have to think about it at all.
Watching the minimap - This actually lost me some games...I tend to miss stuff which would otherwise wouldn't be missed, if only I reminded myself to watch the minimap. After all, the colours are very distinctive and easy to spot on, if only certain someone would focus on watching the minimap more. Things like incoming drops & harrass would be less of an issue, as I'd be prepared for them. Being prepared = less panicking = better game overally.
Scouting - Another area I am putting conscious effort into improving last two weeks. So I actually make use of my scout and don't just send a probe to die for the sake of scouting. I believe that I made a progress in this regard, as lately, my use of the scout, mainly my observer, saved me from horrible, horrible death.
Stuff in need of improvement but me letting it slide for now?
Mouse precision - if you actually watch my recorded coaching sessions, you'd probably roll your eyes. I am awfully clumsy when it comes to this, although, I believe that the issues mentioned before are in more urgent need of improvement than me clicking spot on my units and doing something crazy with them. I am just listing this for my personal reference
Multitasking - I need to be able to do more stuff at the same time. Like, harrass from one side, scout and attack from another side at the same time. I've seen people doing it and it does wonders on opponent's mind. I've been able to macro and attack at the same, but that's about as far as I've come in the terms of multitasking. It's obviously not good enough, but again, as the previous issue, letting it slide for now.
Why letting issues to slide?
Well, I've been told to work at just set amount of issues at the same time, to not overload myself with stuff. While I am very rush-rush impatient person in RL, I am trying to slow down a bit, for the sake of more effective improvement.
Part II
Coaching with Ryan Rushia #4 Grudgematch of Married couple?!
Yes, I've been taking my regular weekly lesson with Ryan Rushia and we were kind of short on people who he could match me against, so my significant half offered themselves to take part in my lesson as my opponent. They are Bronze Terran player on the verge of Silver. But, he wasn't playing for some time, in the coaching session I mentioned 'months' where it's like one or two in reality. Doesn't matter. Either way, we proceeded with the lesson.
In the end, I managed to defeat my significant half 0:3 - he was quite upset after that and it made him to play SC2 more, which sadly entails me having to bear with nerd rage nearly each game he plays; as he believes firmly my race is OP and I just don't hear enough of it. If anyone knows how to convince him that Protoss are not OP, plz let me know, my head hurts from all his raging. <.< (Don't turn this into balance discussion please; I don't believe that people lose because of inbalance, they lose simply because of either lack of experience or because the opponent was better - unless they were cheesers.)
As always, I am offering the recorded session!
(Coaching or Grudgematch, pt1)
(Coaching or Grudgematch, pt2)
(Coaching or Grudgematch, pt3)
(Coaching or Grudgematch, pt4)
(Coaching or Grudgematch, pt5)
(Coaching or Grudgematch, pt6)
(Coaching or Grudgematch, pt7)
(Coaching or Grudgematch, pt8)
(Coaching or Grudgematch, pt9)
The reason why I see the game against my significant half as a grudgematch? Well, his comments on how my race is OP and how much I suck compared to him kinda forced my hand...and I still didn't forgive him for running his CC's across whole map in the last match either! We are leaving on holidays tomorrow, and I'm totally having him to eat this. ;-)
I'll not be able to practice till next Friday due to the mentioned holidays, but hopefully I'll be able to shake off the rust quickly with the help of my friends. Wish me luck, the fight doesn't end yet!