Hello, I am a sophomore(10th grade) in high-school, and I am currently having alot of trouble with geometry. My school dose have some after school tutoring but usually I stay after to work on my media production projects or hanging with the girl I like, also I am desperately afraid of people seeing how bad I am at math.
So I am asking Teamliquid here if they know any online websites or anyone will to help me with 10th grade basic geometry so I can pass this grade and be better at math. It is the 30 weeks and my final grade for the 10 and 20 are 50/55.
I know I can go after school for help but I truly am afraid of people I know seeing me fail. mom tells me to go but I don't, I truly want to pass.
Hey man. I used to hate the idea of someone seeing me fail while the rest of the class succeeded. Until it actually happened one day - and to my surprise nobody gave a shit. Then I saw other kids with other subjects go through the same thing, stay after school, lunch w/e.
It's life man, people aren't born with knowledge, they must learn it. Don't worry about what other people say and get ahead in the game while you still have this amazing opportunity to learn for free.
With that all being said - it's easier said than done, right?
http://www.khanacademy.org/ <--- wicked link for ANYTHING education wise. Check it out, you never know the answer may be right there for you.
United States9244 Posts
You would be surprised how many people stay after for extra help. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Getting 1:1 help will probably be a lot more helpful then reading a textbook or visiting a website. Good luck!
16951 Posts
If you "truly want to pass" like you say you do, then being scared of looking stupid in front of people you know shouldn't be an impediment. And in case you're wondering, no one cares that you're getting extra help after school.
In any case, I'd just use google to brush up on concepts you're not familiar with. Khanacademy has great youtube videos as well.
Anytime I've needed help with school I'll just google shit and it usually ends up working out for me. I don't think I had any specific sites that were goto.
I haven't really looked deep into khanacademy, but it looks like a pretty good site. I would say with Math don't be afraid to do practice problems. Do A LOT of practice problems, look through your textbook for stuff to do, ask your teacher for problems and just sit down and do them. It's really easy to convince yourself that you know something when you actually don't, grinding through problems will help you identify where your weaknesses are.
Learning how to ask for help is probably the most important thing for learning. If you can develop this skill now it will serve you well in the future!
Khan academy, and lots of practice problems.
Also go for help. Nobody really cares. And if they do care, they have problems >.>
Yeah it's mainly just Google. I understand about caring about your reputation, but I'd rather pass with no reputation than fail with a good reputation. No one really cares, and you might make new friends.
That said, I rarely have any problems in class. I learned that it's better to ask lots of questions in class to understand. Teachers are fine with questions as long as they can answer them, and they aren't dumb. They might even like you more.
And ask your teacher during your spare time, before school, during lunch, after school, and during spares if you have any.
Asking your teacher for help has other benefits besides the immediate one. Throughout college i frequently heard proffessors say that they're more leniant towards somebody they've seen show up at office hours and make an effort to help themselves. Face time with them can even open doors sometimes, so don't be afraid to stick your neck out just because of what other's might think.
If you want to pass then go for help; it doesn't matter what other people think about your academics.
Is your teacher the one tutoring? Teachers absolutely love it when their own students come to their tutoring sessions.
Besides lurking at TL.net , my RL job is teaching calculus classes at the university. That being said, i really appreciate students that show up at my room or email me with questions regarding stuff they couldn´t grasp during class hours. You should show up at those extra classes and see what happesn there. By doing that not only you will get a shot at learning, but it´ll prolly have the nice side effect of pleasing your parents and teacher.
That being said, feel free to PM me with any questions and i won´t mind helping you out. Keep in mind that math, specially geometry, doesn´t fit in ASCII code quite well. It belongs to blackboards, not message boards. ( BBcode is not TeX, yet.) The offer remains, though :-)
(Oh, and you gotta cope with eventual english mistakes, since i´m brazilian)
Hey there,
I'm a grade 10 student right now, just finished Math 10 in my first semester. I highly recommend a program called Geogebra (its free) if you need graphing technology. It helped me a lot Good luck!
Thanks for all the help guys and support
Just wanna reiterate that you should go for extra help. I'm a Masters student and I TA for first year calc - myself and all the other TAs are always happy to help any student who needs it regardless of how far behind they are. Don't be embarassed, they honestly want to help you.