I'm looking for a portable media player that plays avi's straight from the computer. heres the story:
my uncle asked me to recommend a portable media player. I told him the ipod series or the zune could be something worthwhile but once i showed him the price he didn't really dig them that much. So i went about amazon/google shopping and began to show him other options when he told he wasn't the fan of converting avi to mp4 or whatever. He knows how to use a computer, but he knows only the basics and doesn't really know anything on computers unless it is in korean. So i just want to make things simpler for him and find a media player thats portable and not too expensive (willing to spend around 100-150). The problem is i have no idea what to look for. Every result i find is a mix of good and bad reviews and i can't decide in good conscience a random player that could either be the greatest thing on earth next to ipod or the biggest POS that shit out of a manufacturing plant.
Can anyone help or is this a lost cause? I have no knowledge in this field and I'm hoping that there is someone out there that does have the right info that can help me.