Have you ever had one of those days? You played a game online and are doing awesome! It's like your hands had been blessed that day and you can't seem to fail.
Then you say to yourself "Alright, better quit now. Let's leave it with this awesome session today" and close the game.
... a few minutes later you think "Mh but why did you quit, when you've got such an awesome run?". And then you start to make the biggest mistake: You start the game again... and you only lose.
Happened to me today and I'm surprised I did not rage at all. Just kept pushing until I had one win again. So now I had to quit on a negative balance, the awesome feeling gone, and just say to myself "Oh well... let's just leave it at that for today, it's not too bad".
So to end this first blog entry with an advice:
When you're doing great and end your session for the day, don't think on playing again that day. You don't lose anything by calling it day. But you may lose feeling awesome when you go back and do miserably