I sat down today to work out what the priorities for improvement should be.
1.) Make overlords at a more consistent rate At the moment I find myself supply blocked at least twice per avg length game, the main reason for this is that once my 2nd hatch is saturated and I start producing units, specifically roaches I get caught out on supply and usually overreact by making 5 or 6, this would typically happen when the other player pushes out, I spot it and am frantically trying to get some units out.
2.) Get gas earlier when not playing ZvT I make this mistake constantly and cannot seem to find a natural feel for when I need to put down additional extractors when I play ZvP or ZvZ, the issue this cause is that my minerals get out of sync with my gas and I spend a lot of time trying to balance it out again, I usually manage to do this by making even more drones and Ovi's but then I wasted it on Ovi's too early.
3.) Scout timing My scouting is just pathetic, I do the initial scout and sometimes I get lucky when I suicide my Ovi to get more info, however it is more often than not that the sacrificial Overlord is sent in too late and dies before I get anything useful.
My target is to improve these over the next feek weeks, and to purely focus on this, I think a lot of it is to do with the fact that I have not played enough games to feel the rythm of Zerg in 1v1...
1 and 2 are cool, but be very careful about 3. You talk about sacrificing an ovie and end up not seeing anything. This is gonna happen a lot and it might feel very luck based. Try to find other ways to obtain the information that you want to obtain
I like to scout with overlord by placing the initial and the next on either side of the enemies base and then when you get lair make overlord speed asap if you're unsure of his tech. You can fly them in to check and even if they die they're fast so you'll see more and by having a pincer scout you can scout the other half you failed to see or re-check something building if you didn't click on it in time.
With supply, try to time overlord production with when larvae injection is going to complete that way you can instantly have 4-8 more larvae for units and the supply to make them at the same time.
Awesome! Thanks for the tips folks.
Regarding overlords on Lost Temple, you can place your first overlord above their mineral line over top of the small cliff that resides there. They will be unable to see your overlord there unless they scan or fly a building there, allowing you to at the very least see if they double gas or not.
I want to add a 4th I need to focus on, don't loose the f'ing Overlord against ZvZ, move it to the edge when the pool is done so I can avoid getting killed by the Queen!