Started out... decently. With cross spawns on meta, was planning banshees, but was scanned as I went to move the factory/starport, and decided to land the factory back on the tech lab once the scan was gone and go tank with marine drop. And unfortunately after watching the replay I should have just stuck to my plan. But live and learn I suppose... I will post the link to the replay as soon as i'm able to get my hands on it. Forgot to save it in time, so those interested can take a look at it. (Check back for the update)
It was an extremely sloppy game on my part, many times not building SCVs at my expo, or having a number of idle SCVs, a bit of walking units to their doom when I should have just waited. And a couple windows I should have hit that I ended up not capitalizing because I over reacted to small things. But I take it as a learning experience, and the fact I was able to come back from a 2 week break with little notice and still compete with my opponent gives me confidence moving forward.
Again it's unfortunate that the outcome was as is, the final score being 1-3 in Colorado's favor. But overall a good lesson and "mile marker" of sorts. A quick blog for today, just to give that bit of results though, and time to get back to playin matches.. but from here it is time to continue to better my skills and see where things head next... =P