Teehee. Herro. Let's jump into it o_O Follow me on twitter! http://twitter.com/iamdevilrawr
(Black lady taps me on the back while I am with a customer.) Her: "Ay you gots dapter?" Me: "What?" Her: "I need computer adapter wall plug" Me: "Can you explain what you are trying to do?" Her: "My girlfriend said she got this adapter for internet. It plugs into the wall and then to your computer. It gives you internet wirelessly." Me: "Well your friend is making up a story, nothing like that exists."
(Asian guy comes up with a price tag.) Him: "hav dis" Me: "What? o_O" Him: "dis her h0w muh" Me: "369.99" Him: "ok duh duh how mut taz" Me: "What?" Him: "taz" Me: <.< "What?" -_- Him: "u no taz. T I S. taz." Me: "T I S is not a word." (He makes a hand movement suggesting he needs a pen. I hand him one. Guy writes "TAX" on his hand. Me: "Oh, tax. That's TAX. It's 5%." (We go to the register, his screen shows 384.99 because of tax.) Him: "WHAAAAAAAAAAT u sed 369" Me: -_- "That's because of tax." (pause) "T I S. Tax." Him: "o" (Later my coworker says "Lol bro someone returned a one of those Compaqs. He said it wouldn't even turn on." It was him.)
(Guy about 50 or so comes in.) Him: "Where the fuck is your dell's, all the other company's SUCK. Can you get some organization around here? I can't find shit. Get me a manager. NOW. Me: "Ok."
(Talking with a couple on an i5 laptop. Wife jumps on the phone.) Him: "She is talking to a guy that works at the Pentagon. He is super smart. He knows like everything." (More bragging...then she puts me on the phone with him.) Me: "Hello o.o?" Him: "Hey do you have that HP 399 500 megabyte laptop?" Me: LoL
That's it for this week. follow my twitter for more stories and other stuff. twitter.com/iamdevilrawr
May I ask in which state do you work? (Just curious)
On January 05 2011 12:40 devil` wrote: virginia
I see. For a second I thought you worked at a very rural state (hello Kansas).
Funny stuff
DUDE this was so funny. i am still laughing. thank you for this.. need MORE
wireless that uses a cable GENIUS
A 500 mb laptop.....I don't know what purpose a 500 mb laptop would serve someone in the pentagon, I mean the technology there must be significantly more advanced. Thanks for these funny little anecdotes, I really find these blogs funny. =D
I just digged through your old ones and these are gold. Must be pretty amusing to live through these situations.
On January 05 2011 12:43 Sufficiency wrote:I see. For a second I thought you worked at a very rural state (hello Kansas). Funny stuff 
Virginia can be rather rural.
Anywhere can be rural, you just gotta know where to go
United States4796 Posts
Where you work must be brutal.
i'm off to read your other blogs, this is good stuff
Hilarious, but thats how they make money. Rip off these clueless folk.
Rofl, I could never bring myself to work as a (technology) salesman...
They still have 500 mb laptops? o.O And they sell for $399? Wow, I could make a fortune...
On January 05 2011 13:36 Realpenguin wrote: lololololol
i'm off to read your other blogs, this is good stuff this
Canada8028 Posts
Maybe the first person was talking about a powerline adapter? And by "wireless" she meant "without hooking up my computer directly to the router". Who knows though.
On January 05 2011 14:14 Spazer wrote:Maybe the first person was talking about a powerline adapter? And by "wireless" she meant "without hooking up my computer directly to the router". Who knows though. 
I showed her those lol
absolutely love your stuff, keep posting them, good luck in the trenches
WOW... hahahaha I've never even heard of anything like this where I live (California)