If you got no life take a hike with me.
Down memory lane, its free.
Well I have recently started spending time researching the development of the broodwar scene. Player such as Zileas, who had a page listing popular strats back then. Check em out. You clearly notice how old school this is with entries such as this right here. In this article he defines new school starcraft as more micro intensive and old school starcraft as macro-focused. Quite much has changed since then.
Zileas opinions of the greatest foreigner of all time.
"Grrrrrr -- If anyone is 100% old school, its him. Seldom do you see grrr using many spellcasters, but often do you see 50 mutalisks. His build orders and such all revolve around extreme ammounts of power, and milking out that extra bit of minerals everywhere you can -- and I think he focuses on this greatly." Old-school even back then.
Other interesting articles.
An other article has zileas laying out the foundation of worker harass. Here!
"With this sort of info, you can often make decisions as to if reaver dropping, or mutasacrificing to kill drones/probes/scvs is really cost effecient." I have no idea if he was a pioneer or if this was the general way of thinking back then as well.
Zileas guide to the most popular strategies of the day.
"Currently on battle.net I'd have to say the most popular strats at the moment among ladder players are:
1)Hydra Powering with Super Early Expansion on rushable maps
2)Muta rushing on ladder maps
2)Reaver Rush
3)Guardian Rushing (on islands vs terran or toss)
4)My various protoss island strats for protoss islands>
5)Tank Pushes"
All this is very interesting. Can somebody who know more about this than me explain more about this Zileas guy. Was he a pioneer or just the combat-x of the day?