anyways it started out on a friday with a typical meet up at a local house party where they have a legit awesome beerpong table where we play pong till around 12 before going to the bar, i notice when you go to the bar sober, it's not fun at all, but if you go wasted.. well great things can be achieved lol.
before the beerpong we had to stop and get nun-other then booze! i grabbed a flat of canadain (41$) which is really cheap.. like 1.89 per beer or something. anyways it was a good deal, more then enough i promise you that.
So i get to the counter and the cashier(till) there is a girl a graduated with in 2010, she was part of the popular group, and i was the average-run-in-the-mill student who wasnt hated by alot, and could make a room laugh haha,
so we exchanged a smile and i paid for my shit and without thinking i asked her when she was off of work. she'd "i work till 11" it was about 8:30 when we went in there, so without thinking i told her to come to this house party to play some beerpong she responeded with a " ummm ok " thinking that was pretty akward i wrote her down the address and my cell number on the receite and got out of there thinking i did something akward. thinking i fucked up i didnt think about it much the night.
so several games of me getting my ass handed to me in beer pong. my shots were off the table i had to drink. and it was like 1 can of beer for 3 cups. and we had 6 cups on each side so not alot of beer but quite a bit, also probly three games in i was drinking my cup and someone got the pong inthe cup i was drinkin, which is an auto-lose and u had to drink every cup on the table( mind you these are house rules so it might be different for everyone)
the night went on and around 1130 i check my phone and i had a random text,
" hey its alana im just on my way, i also picked up some friends if thats ok"
my response just said "ok my pongpartner past out your my new one"
she sent another one but i didnt end up looking at it till dropped her off later that night/day lol.
honestly i was excited she was coming, and bringing friends , it seemed like forever before she came but it happened. so her and i played pong 3 times or so, won all of them and i hadnt won a game all night, im thinking it was because she was sober at the time lol so we stayed till 1230 before heading out to the bar to dance. thinking id probly lose alana from some other horny bastards to try and dance with her, if it did happen i wouldnt care, but when we were leaving she left with me and my DD and my other drunk friend who was coming with. She was "tipsy" but like could tell what was gunna on i could tell this for some reason, and in the car ill never forget this, she said when we get to the bar to make sure no creeps try to dance with her. and after that i said but everyone in the bars are creepy lol and she looked at me and said thats the point.
honestly i was excited.. i dunno for some reason it felt for the first time i had a connection with a girl. but maybe i was just too drunk and heard what i wanted to hear ,
1230 till close we danced and talked , had shots and grinded rank , the shots we took were burt reynolds? it taste like caramel scotch. i recommened that shot to anyone.
end of the night came i invited her to stay at the house i was staying at because my two friends were sleeping at some girls house they met at the bar(roast) that night, anyways alana said ok , i offered her the bed i was sleeping on and i decided i wouldnt be creepy and just sleep on the couch that could hold three people laying down end to end, so it was like a bed i didnt end up sleeping that night just thinking back of what i could of done on the dance floor, so i decided to put in a movie called "kick-ass" with mclovin in it, and as im laying there alana comes out and lays on the couch with me and says she doesnt like being alone while drunk and i didnt really say anything after that i looked at her and went for a kiss , being drunk and not giving a fuck if i was rejected or not i just did it. and it ended up working out, anyways we passed out after some time and i woke up and drove her home with no coversation at all when i dropped her off the reason i didnt talk is because my mouth was really dry lol . anyways its been one week from today since i seen her but we have been texting lots in the week. like alot haha,
im proud to say im doing what i did last week tonight. she works tonight same place same time. and being the romantic guy i am ,im going to go to the same liquor store and ask her the same question i did last week and go again
Take risks, when you have nothing to lose.
Thank you for reading
(this is not me bragging, but things like this never happen to me.... ever, like if we would of went to another liquor store... or if i was at another cashier, )
but im just trying to say is. take opportunitys and live!