So I was playing this korean zerg on iCCup at the C- level on Fighting Spirit. He does this weird mix of two styles in that he takes his 4th base early and goes to hive turtle zerg style but is incredibly agressive with hydra/muta. As such, I roll his natural despite having over 1K in the bank (I played pretty poorly haha) So he asks for re, and I say yes. He 5pools me, I scout last and don't notice until the zerglings overwhelm my 95% completed cannon and I gg out.
Oh those wacky koreans and their odd manner at times... I do have to wonder though why he asked for re. Typically from what I've seen when someone asks for re its kind of like finding a temp practice partner, someone whose playstyle you've seen already so you can try to fit a build to it, not to just 5pool for a 1/3 chance at a win. If he wanted the free win, he could've just 5pool'd some other random guy. The only thing I can think of is perhaps frustration at his loss? He perhaps wanted to make me lose, and lose at the hands of him, hoping that I would rage at him?
In that case it seems rather odd for him to say "gl hf," which he did along with 1a2a3a4a5a before both games. I don't know, I'm not an expert on koreans.
Anyone else have stories of weird manner on iCCup?
Well chances are if he lost then asks for a re and does the cheesiest build possible you probably agitated him.
Maybe he noticed that you got late cannons in the first game, got stressed when he lost b/c of it, then changed his build for next game to just win points.
Never know...
Papua New Guinea152 Posts
Don't read too much into it. Koreans are just like anyone else, when they lose they RAGE!!!
As for wanting the rematch because he wanted to practice further with you, just think of it as him dodging you. He doesn't want to practice with you anymore because he knows he's not good enough, so instead he decided to kwanroll you.
Just remember, "all-in is not real skills"
Not really a rage story, but funny nonetheless:
I've been playing a lot of 2v2 lately. Mainly terran because its fun, you get to do all sorts of shit. Anyhow, I loose a game against a pair of Russians and proceed to try the same game name to play them again. I hang around for a while and one of the guys types "wc" a few times. A second player comes in and all slots are full. The guys starts freaking out about how the host wont go, to which the second guy starts typing "wc" "wc" wc" "wc", many times.
Im not in a hurry so i just hang around, tell my team mate that the other guy is probably pissing. He starts asking why we wont go, to which the other guy responds (and here is the golden part):
"Wait, ally is water closet"
I cringed and laughed a bit.
P.S. We lost. God damn russians.
A lot of my "re"s resulted in my opponent cheesing me with some sort of all in.
I'm not really sure how this is particularly bad mannered at all. Basically almost every single time an opponent asks for re to me the next game they're going to do something ridiculous like sparks, 4/5 pool, 2gate, etc.
I've only had legit rematches. I've never even been 4/5/6/7 pooled. I'd say that 90% of people don't like loosing BTW; common sense.
Most people who ask for a re, in my experience, just want to beat you to comfort themselves with their belief that they are better than you and their loss was a fluke. It's all about denial and false justification.
On November 22 2010 14:19 Enervate wrote: Most people who ask for a re, in my experience, just want to beat you to comfort themselves with their belief that they are better than you and their loss was a fluke. It's all about denial and false justification.
Yeah. I have always thought of "re" as "I'll show this fucker"
That's the only time I ever rematch someone lol.
Bisutopia19157 Posts
This story seems unbelievable. A c- korean? Impossible. But seriously, a little confusing. How do u hive turtle and be aggressive at the same time. That's a double standard.
On November 22 2010 15:32 BisuDagger wrote: This story seems unbelievable. A c- korean? Impossible. But seriously, a little confusing. How do u hive turtle and be aggressive at the same time. That's a double standard.
? None of your post makes sense. I wanna know your reasoning behind:
1. No C- koreans...what? There are a billion.
2. Not being able to hive turtle and be aggressive/harass. You know you can be aggressive without going all-in/attacking right? You can harass while camping, it's actually one of the crucial ways to be able to camp effectively.
Yes, he was probably pissed that he lost. But there was no BM, so, I don't really see anything wrong.
Why is it bm to use a particular strategy o.O
The foundations of all successful strategies are "what can the opponent do, and what can I do so that the result is at least slightly better for me?" If you blind yourself to the possibility of the opponent doing a particular build, that's your fault, not his.
It's like saying someone who called your all-in with pocket 2s when that happens to give him a full house bm. "Man, I had pocket aces and you called with pocket 2s. Bm man, bm."