Hi TL,
Recently, I decided that I need to be more productive with my time, and I need your ideas to help me find a new hobby.
Some things about me: -19 years old, male, sophomore engineering student, not in school for this semester -Lots of spare time, willing to put many hours into a single project -pretty shy -willing to spend money -Creative enough -I have 8 years violin experience, and some brief guitar experience. I own both instruments. Haven't played either since high school. -I am not great at teaching myself. If I try to learn a new skill, I would either need a personal instructor, a friend who can teach me, or some really good online/text resources (TeamLiquid). -I have access to Rosetta Stone through my employer -no athletic ability whatsoever -I am open to trying almost anything
I am looking for a hobby that a fun way to spend time, and is also useful in real life situations, especially social ones. Bonus points if the hobby is attractive to women.
Hobbies already I am considering: -(re)picking up an instrument: piano, guitar, or violin -drawing -learning a new language -getting A+ certified -cooking(?) -learning a programming language (I have some brief experience already) -weight lifting/working out
Hit me with some ideas TL. What are some new activities I should try out. Provide some details about why the activity is fun and useful and how you have benefited from doing it.
Working out and learning new language are two very rewarding hobbies. I would go with those two. I dont really know how you can learn a new language outside of a class for free though. But Rosetta stone is a really good program I was able to try it out and ive always wanted it.
don't try to learn something you won't use later don't begin to work out if you don't plan on doing it for a long time, your efforts will simply melt away once you stop
cooking seems useful, plus you can do it on the side. it's attractive and you can use it every day. also I'd recommend that you pick up your violin again and join an orchestra. it's a great way to travel (if you're in that kind of orchestra) and you don't want to throw 8 years of your life you spent practicing away. learning a language is also useful. do it to get in contact with exchange students. that way you can practice much better, you'll have an instructor and you get to meet new people.
You should cook! ... but only if you enjoy it and enjoy food :D Otherwise, play Starcraft!
Gunpla? What's more fun than building building scale models of anime robots and (if you feel like it) painting them in your own custom color scheme?
Cooking and learning a new language are good too. Just pick a language you think you might use mostly on a daily basis or one that isn't too complicated for you.
Working out is a natural choice, college has a free gym/weight room for students I'm sure.
Osaka27124 Posts
Don't do one thing, try many and see what sticks.
Oh god you have a violin! the sexiest instrument there is...
Pick it up again and you´ll wonder why you ever stopped in the first place.
9070 Posts
learn korean, install photoshop 
cooking is a great hobby, you can get really excited about it
Competitive pokemon the trading card game. Got into it 4 months ago roughly. Amazing game, fun community. It's just very exciting in general 
Check out sixprizes.com for some articles
I'd suggest taking up Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes.
- It'll give you a hell of a workout - It's in-depth and practical - Instruction will be provided, so no need to self learn. Of course, looking up resources on the side will help. - It'll introduce you to the world of discipline and respect you get from martial arts - You'll get a kick out of watching MMA with your understanding in BJJ. So it'll be a 2 in 1 hobby
Don't worry too much if you're shy. As long as you're willing to learn and put in hard work, you'll be welcomed. Regularly sweating and engaging in physical activity will pump out hormones that will make you feel positive and awesome.
Also I'd personally stay away from hobbies that are meant to attract the ladies. Do it for yourself and do it because it's fun and rewarding. However, training in BJJ will undeniably grant you confidence, physical strength, and some good ol' male bonding that women will dig.
Do take up cooking. Fixing up your own meals, knowing both the simplicity and complexity that goes into cooking, and also being able to cook for others is great. Continue playing the violin because it sounds classy and fun. Don't learn a language unless you're really into that specific culture.
Make a bunch of vlogs following everything that you listed you are thinking about trying to do and get e-famous.
do a bunch of different stuff but the two i most like in the list are athleticism and learning a language. learn korean!
start racing cars...a tad dangerous but the adrenaline will get to you
On November 18 2010 10:45 CrackSpider93 wrote: Gunpla? What's more fun than building building scale models of anime robots and (if you feel like it) painting them in your own custom color scheme?
Cooking and learning a new language are good too. Just pick a language you think you might use mostly on a daily basis or one that isn't too complicated for you.
i was gonna say this too. I can imagine gunpla to be the best way to appeal to the inner engineer within you~ otherwise, you can pick up a nice workout schedule and get toned too =0
Cooking is awesome, at every level. At low level, it's very satisfactory to cook your own food (unless it really tastes like shit, but anyone can prepare something decent following a good recipe). If you get decent at cooking, you will start cooking for your family or friends, and it will be such a good reward to see they enjoy it. At higher level, you can start experimenting new things, testing combinations or products, prepare creative cuisine, I can spend countless hours in my kitchen inventing new recipes !
Oenology is very interesting too, but it requires instructors, is expensive, and you definitely need some innate talent.
Other than cooking and playing / watching Brood War, I enjoy playing poker. If you are into theory and psychology, you can find incredibly good articles and communities online. Plus you can even make money from your hobby. (damn if I had made $1 for every BW game I've played / watched...) The problem is that poker can become extremely addictive once you learned the basics.
Sport never hurts either. Even progamers work out !
Starcraft... just saying, you could go to korea and play starcraft for a semester. While doing so you would learn korean, learn to manage a subway system, and not be bored.
I have 2 suggestions:
1) indoor vegetable garden or build a green/plant wall 2) learn how to solder and build some amps and sell these amps to actually make some money AND learn a new somewhat useful skill
from your list of already considered hobbies, i'd say take up cooking.
and why not weight lifting/working out as well? a mere 30 minutes a day will do plenty so that should be done regardless. =\
underwater basket weaving