On November 09 2010 13:12 DCLXVI wrote: Wow, I just got mine today too. Funny coincidence considering our names devil' and 666 gets shirts on... 11/9/10? + Show Spoiler [none of these are particularly demonic…] +Gregorian: Wednesday, 9 November 1910 Mayan: Long count =; tzolkin = 3 Ik; haab = 15 Yax French: 18 Brumaire an 119 de la Révolution Islamic: 6 Dhu al-Qada 1328 Hebrew: 7 Heshvan 5671 Julian: 27 October 1910 ISO: Day 3 of week 45 of 1910 Persian: 17 Aban 1289 Ethiopic: 30 Teqemt 1903 Coptic: 30 Babah 1627 Chinese: Cycle 76, year 47 (Geng-Xu), month 10 (Ding-Hai), day 8 (Wu-Yin) Julian day: 2418985 Day of year: Day 313 of 1910; 52 days remaining in the year Discordian: Pungenday, The Aftermath 21, Year of Our Lady of Discord 3076
You've been a member for a little over a month and already a shirt?
welcome to the club! Now you are officially the most attractive person on the planet, along with everyone else with a TL shirt!
On November 09 2010 13:42 KrAzYfoOL wrote: You've been a member for a little over a month and already a shirt?
I only made an account in September of 2009 but I've been lurking since like 2006-7 or so =P. maybe the OP is the same ^^
I'm too strapped for cash to buy a shirt
Sick shirt btw, I am really thinking about getting one too!
United States238 Posts
On November 09 2010 13:42 KrAzYfoOL wrote: You've been a member for a little over a month and already a shirt?
What's wrong with that?
If I discover an awesome new band which I fall in love with straight away, why should I wait a month to buy a tshirt?
I've registered since may 2010 but been lurking since gom classics (wanted to know more about sc thus TL came in my life :D).
There are many lurkers who won't register untill they want to or play sc like myself to know more about sc.
Anyways OT.
@OP Maybe u could've waited ^^ with the new TL shirt design. Want to get a TL shirt too but still don't know which one (of the newer ones) I want to get.
These shirts are so awesome. You get all the ladies with it.
I'm gonna have to agree with krazyfool though. TL shirts are awesome and all, but it just feels wrong to have new people with them. I thinks it's because of how hard it used to be to get one. You used to truly care about the site and a deep desire to own the shirt. My memory is probably flawed and it wasn't horribly difficult to get a hold of one, but I still feel that you had to earn your shirt more than just buy it. It also feels weird seeing new people flying the teamliquid flag considering how unlikely it is that most of them will hang around for an extended period of time. I may be wrong but it is extremely difficult to keep interest in one site and community. I'm not saying people shouldn't be buying them, just if you're new realize that pretty much non of the vets will know who you are. Just because you have our shirt doesn't make you one of us. We will accept you and treat you like one of our own but being "From Team Liquid" its completely different from registering and posting on our forums. Shit, I can't even say I'm "From Team Liquid", I'm not a mod, I'm not a player, I don't contribute anything content wise to the site.
Don't take this the wrong way. I'm happy that you have the shirt and I hope you stick around. It's just frustrating having so many new people running around waving the TL flag without truly knowing what TL is and where it has come from. So love your shirt, love Team Liquid, but respect TL as well. Don't go around acting like an ass hat. If you are going to be a part of this community and going to show it publicly you need to represent TL well. If you can do that we're glad you have you and hope you stick around <3
your now an official awesomenerd!
Sexy shirt, very baller! Screw dem haters. You got to play Black Ops at work though? Sounds like a pretty cushy job, where do you work?
I just got told I can't read or whistle at work. You can play games. Wtf.
That's a pretty ill shirt. I'm partial to my pony shirt, but any TL shirt is in style for any baller out there.
Can't wait to see what the next design contest turns up. I hear Chill got some cool shit out of the one previous...
@KrAzYfoOL Honestly, I got the shirt to support team liquid. Not necessarily the forum but the team, I love all the members. And I lurked for a good 6 months and learned everything here.
@Kms I work at best buy
I probably will get the new design shirt too lol
Good to know you got a TL shirt. Who cares what your intentions behind it were; you don't have to explain anything to anybody. Now wear it with pride and find a way to tell the chicks it's not actually a band.
On November 09 2010 12:19 HobbitGotGame wrote: Glad you can find shirts that fit you.
User was temp banned for this post.
User was banned for this post. woah, ive never seen someone get temp banned AND band for the same post!
Just ordered mine with a mate so we're gonna be the teamliquid ambassadors in our small town hahaha.
I wanna get one nowwww.. 8D
looks good though :D keep reppin' !