Hello, guys! Today I have some unusual requests but no one has been able to help me. I have a set of inquiries and I'm hoping that the vast and diverse community of Team Liquid can help me in some of them.
tl;dr version
- I need to find music of certain genres and styles. Mostly stuff like classical/folk arabic/egyptian/bulgarian/arabic/indian/ect... for general listening and for use in my project. - I need someone to show me how to rip sound effects from N64 roms/PS2 roms/Ps3 roms. I don't know anything about programming or the like. I do legally own the games in question, I just want their SFX and I don't have a way of getting them off the consoles. I wish to add a large amount of these rare resources to my SFX library for private and educational use. - Lastly, I need good resources for references of greek/roman/egyptian/arabic architecture to help me articulate the style of my 3d modeling for my UDK project.
In detail;
My taste in music a bit peculiar. I listen to your standard gothic/symphonic metal such as Epica, Kamelot, Battlelore, ect. But I also have a soft spot for the more rare of things. Bulgarian folk, such as Eva Quartet (the Xena soundtracks by LoDuca and Alone in the Dark 2005 soundtrack also a good examples of soundtracks inspire by this specific genre), Arabic stuff, and things of that classical, old-styled nature. Also, medieval kind of stuff. Game soundtracks can also contain such styled music...
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I search for this music for two purposes. One, for general listening, and two to provide an enormous and dynamic soundtrack to my projects. I avoid the use of overused music such as trailer music and prefer to use obscure soundtracks and classical stuff like this over mainstream content. I believe it vastly helps provide a greater impact and thus helps assist my Power Through Immersion game design concept.
Simply band or artist names will help me as I can plug them into my network of internet scouring. It's difficult to find these things, but much more difficult to find simply names and such.
I've scoured the internet for guides and information on how to rip sound effects from PS2 dvds, N64 roms, and PS3 roms. I desire the sound effects from games such as Battle Tanx, Perfect Dark, the God of War series, soul calibur, and others. But the scatterings of information I find tell me that most people who know how to do this prefer not to share their information. This, coupled with the large variety of potential formats these can contain, results in zero progress on my end.
I'm hoping someone here is experienced in this and can give me a guiding hand. I'd really like to get some of the SFX out of these.
I'm seeking for either good games or good galleries of high-rez images of Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Indian, ect. architecture for use in my 3d modeling ventures. I am not modeling historically accurate, but with my own style for my UDK project.
I've found some references here and there, through google and such, but perhaps someone here knows of better sources.
Thanks for your consideration!
Now I know you asked mostly about the actual sound effects but there are a lot of interesting topics here, I mostly know about the N64 though so I'll stick to that.
First of all: http://thecpy.emulation64.com/thelastresort/pluginstools.htm#N64 Tools
Download the program called Sound Bank Ripper. What this program will try and do is rip all the sound effects and instruments it can find and save them as WAVs. I haven't used this program in years but from what I remember it was very hit and miss for reasons I'm about to go in to.
The problem with ripping N64 music/sound effects is the way they are stored.
Most N64 games store samples of the instruments used in the song. The song is then stored as a "music sheet" not too different from how midi works. Now this doesn't sound too bad but here is the annoying part. Most games use completely different sound systems and storage formats for the "instrument sounds". Some games use PCM or MP3, others use proprietry formats, most are compressed but again using different formats.
Rogue Squadron included a set of custom sound card drivers written by the developers to squeeze every bit of performance they could out of the N64 (MusyX I think it was called).
Some games apparently store the music as a flat MP3 but I'm not sure which (I have a feeling Conkers Bad Fur day does but honestly I don't know).
Now for my point: it is a real pain in the ass to rip songs/sounds from N64 games because there isn't one standard file format and even then the songs usually don't contain any sounds, they are just a bunch of instructions on how to reproduce the music.
Going back in time to the SNES, there are many applications available to rip the "music sheets" from games. There are standalone apps that let you play them back with the original SNES instrument set and a plugin for Winamp that does the same.
None of this probably helps you very much so I'll leave you with a great site that has a huge collection of music from games (mostly RPGs though) of all generations:
For the sound effects you can try the Sound Bank Ripper application. If it doesn't work for a specific game you could try using an emulator and record it using stereo mix the old fashioned way
Thanks for the response!
Yeah, reading about the sound formats had me scratching my head. But I guess that's just how things are. Some PC companies like Relic have this annoying habit of using extremely archaic and convoluted methods of storing sounds.
I'm getting an "unable to connect" error when trying to download the ripper, though. I think I was able to find it on another site, so I'll give it a try.
On October 29 2010 14:30 IskatuMesk wrote: Thanks for the response!
Yeah, reading about the sound formats had me scratching my head. But I guess that's just how things are. Some PC companies like Relic have this annoying habit of using extremely archaic and convoluted methods of storing sounds.
I'm getting an "unable to connect" error when trying to download the ripper, though. I think I was able to find it on another site, so I'll give it a try.
Hmm it worked for me, I threw it up on mediafire for you:
I do have Beats Antique, Anouar sounds familiar but not sure if I have any of that - I'll definitely grab it, thanks!
I did get a hold of that file from another site through google. It wasn't able to extract all of PD's sounds, but I did get what seems to be most if not all of the sounds out of Beast Wars, and there's some good stuff in there. I'll see if the one you uploaded yields anything different.
If I was still using Modplug Tracker the instrument wav's it extracted would be useful especially... hmm.