Today, I realized I had only given away one of my guest passes. So I started up a new account to bash on some kids for a while (I know its bad but losing like 15 out of 20 games is really frustrating ). I of course went 5-0 in my placements because of bronze/gold people and I got placed into platinum. I've played about 6 games there so far and they've all been vs 1000+ people (as high as 1300, where I once was with protoss) and have beat them all.
I know, I know, far from impressive. But keep in mind I had been losing to sub-600 point diamond and even a few platinum people. Who would have thought that playing bad people for a little while would get me back in shape? Yay. :D
Side note: This reminds me of an old-school day9 podcast I heard quite a long time ago. If anyone hasn't listened to these, I would suggest it (even though a lot of the specifics are related to BW, most of its really general and can be applied rather easily to sc2). Podcasts are located in this thread.