So first of all I'm a pretty new (very new) poster on TL though I've been lurking for a year or so now.
So today I'ma spout some random bullshit and hopefully form a coherent sentence and then maybe make a point while I'm at it.
As a kid I (As well as many other) was taught "Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" the meaning behind this is pretty obvious, some guy calls you a faggot just ignore him its just words and he's probably getting abused by his parents anyway.
While in england (maybe elsewhere) this is a fairly common thing for children to learn it seems to be forgotten very quickly, even by the adults who preach this.
Take for a second and imagine I call you a bitch or one of many other insults and you get offended, now lets stop here.
1.why the hell are you offended that some random guy calls you a bitch? personally I find that pretty pathetic, but whatever (obviously this doesn't apply quite as well when racism/sexism etc are involved but it still holds true to an extent).
2.you're offended...so? what's wrong with being offended? its not a deseise it doesn't cause you physical harm it does litterally nothing, so why is offending others such a big deal?. Obviously in this day and age such things can't be put in to practice with radicals all over the world threatening violence over a few words but for mister adverage joe why should I or anyone else care if you are offended?.
So the situation is somewhat more complicated when regarding racism and other such things however the bottom line is the same, they're all just words and one of the many lessons history has taught us is that words meaning can change just by you and me using them differently.
I don't know how many people will read this, if anyone but who cares right? 4 minutes out of my day while I wait for TL altitude open to start (go Tyler!).
If you do happen to read this consider next time someone insults you in some way, is it worth getting rilled up over?.
Thanks for reading anyone who does. and apologies for my many run on sentences.
tl;dr: Don't be a bitch and get the fuck over being insulted.
you're right. i don't care if some random person on bnet insults me. its not necessary but what do i care :D also other people whining makes winning more fun ^^
Boyzone had an awesome version of "Baby can I hold you tonight".
OT - Why do you care if someone gets hurt or not by messages online? People are free to express themselves as they see fit, and if people want to argue with each other they should be allowed. Consensus can be reached even on a place like the interwebs. So stop being offended by people being offended and move on with your life.
United States540 Posts
Because we are human. Knowing that words are just words does not change the fact that people can be hurt or pissed off by them.
It's better to ignore the random insults and not make a big deal out of them, but we are still human, after all.
You're absolutely right but as you mingle with people you'll find that you have to conform to all their shitty mindless standards otherwise they'll just simply hate you, think you're a rude and bad person, and treat you poorly. All I can advise is, get used to conforming to this fake and manipulative behaviour now and just be content that you aren't such a mindless zombie.
Why do you obey laws? It's not like shooting some guy is bad if he lives. Pain is pain - so what? Noone cares. People in pain should get over it and stop being whiny bitches.
the same way you shoulnt fell good if someone compliments you?? right?
its different in game and IRL like few years ago one nasty 8 years old sniper in CoD2 called me his bitch but when someone call somebody on street bitch it should make somebody angry so why not in game ?
btw gogo tylor ! : P
Honestly, I don't believe in the "sticks and stones will break my bones." However, random profane spewings over the internet should be an exception. It really shouldn't affect you too much. Don't get me wrong, sometimes that kid calling you some expletive might get on your nerves sometimes, but it doesn't really warrant a response, let alone to the same degree. In real life, this is completely different, as some words can seriously affect you, given that they have some meaning, again, not some mindless name-calling.
It's great advice but largely impractical. Kind of like 'don't worry, be happy' which is the most given, least followed and most useless advice out there.
The reason it doesn't work is that we're social creatures who care what other people think. Simply saying "don't care what people say" doesn't work that well because of how we've evolved. Limiting how much you care is a good idea if you can manage it. But it's wrong to expect people never to be affected by others rudeness or hostility, online or in person. We're programmed to care how people think of us.
And it's not that pleasant to be verbally abused, even if it's the internet. Basically people are entitled to be annoyed by the poor behaviour of others online.