I set up a livestream for anyone interested in critiquing my play, I'm Gold Div protoss but I don't really know my actual level (had to forfeit a placement match due to dinner being ready -.-) and I beat quite a few high ranked plat and gold players (ranks 1-6) and i've even beat the occasional diamond ^_^
so yea, if anyone is interested to watch a scrub play or just want to check it out to see if they can give tips
I'm gonna be laddering as well as playing in an ESL Gold/Platinum cup tommorow night at 20:00 CEST so i'll be laddering and streaming alot then ^_^
not a very imaginative title i know but, oh well
PS:I might also stream some CS 1.6 or MW2 or any other games i decide to play so...yea. Mostly a SC2 stream though.
PPS: I want to try my hand at shoutcasting, so would greatly appreciate anyone who can tell me how i can record and youtube a vid of me, or if i just use fraps?