I was never good at broodwar, I mainly played it with real life friends on Lan and over Battle.net. Of course we mostly played maps such as BGH, who the hell had enough APM to handle more than one base? The peak of my career was when I joined a Clan, sadly I no longer remember the name of that clan. I was invited after a 2on2 on BGH, my opponent got crushed early and left; I stayed and did a heroic defense, including pretty much everything in the Zerg arsenal. My opponents were really impressed by my Lurkers, and invited me to join their clan.
A few years later Warcraft 3 came out. Since I had recently moved I no longer had a good internet connection and
Therefore battle.net was out of question. After completing the solo campaign (and was amazed by the story), I decided that I wanted to become a better player. I played, and was over and over destroyed by the computer, I didn't stand a chance. From watching the replays, and trying to copy what the computer was doing I slowly started to improve. My first victory was with Orcs, using bloodlust on my army of Taurents; it was a slaughter.
Eventually I became a decent WC3 player, my micro improved a lot during the years that I played, mostly in early high school. During some periods of time I watched lots and lots of replays, I knew most of the strategies and kept switching between Undead and Human.
A few months ago the SC2 beta started. After a while I managed to get myself beta access and picked up my favorite race from SC:BW; the Zerg. I ended up in the bronze league. Kept playing with the mindset; I need to improve and repeatedly asked myself why I lost. I was confident that my micro was decent but a bit worried about my macro. Therefore I decided that; from now on, I will always try to make the games into macro games, get that early expansion, no more roach rushing. After the first ladder reset I won all of my placement games and ended up in plat. I didnt really have that much of a chance in plat and started to realize a big flaw in the ladder system, it's way more fun to work yourself up instead of just losing your way down. From the start of the beta I believe my efforts have played off, if I can get the game into a macro game I normally win. Now my problem is mostly early harassment from Terran and timing pushes from Protoss.
Today the first phase of the beta will end. Hopefully there will still be lots of materials, replays, VODS, maybe some custom practice matches out their though. My idea with this Blog is to just randomly write down what I'm currently practicing, and what I'm doing in order to improve.