Hey guys
I'm looking for a cheap recording mic so that I don't have to keep using the stupid webcam pinhole mic to record shit on my laptop. I am recording death metal growl/scream vocals as well as clean singing and possibly instruments (but emphasis on vocals).
I don't need some professional studio quality sound... I just need it so that it doesn't crackle at the slightest loud noise (big problem for higher notes/piano/death metal vox). It's mainly for practicing purposes/for fun recording.
I saw this: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=390197867365&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en and seeing as its unidirectional, it's well suited for vox. But seeing as its so cheap, with a corny looking layout from the seller, I'm wondering if anyone experienced with mics can tell me if this is a total piece of junk, or whether it will hold up decently for loud vocals without too much crackling.
Its a total piece of junk.
For what you're after, you are probably looking for a $100+ mic.
Hi there, I've used the Samson Q1U usb mic to do some voice-overs for videos, and got pretty good quality out of it. So without getting an audio interface/mic combo, I'd recommend that. It was $80 I believe. Also I did use some noise removal, which you can probably do with the free Audacity.
Also the environment can make a huge difference, so if you haven't already, try to dampen the sounds around you, whether that mean using home-made blanket sound absorbers, or simply turning the A/C off...Face the mic away from any noises which you can't completely deal with (e.g. computer's fan noise).
Depends on how much you're willing to spend.
the mic link you posted is horrible crap. if you're expecting decent sound quality, ATLEAST 20-30. for good sound quality, could easily be in the hundreds. also, if you're going to be doing those screams and stuff, you might wanna look into a noise blocker (forget what its called), its like those nets that go between the mic and your mouth so it blocks off any "popping" sounds
the de facto mic for miccing amps and other instruments is shure sm57. Every single pro studio has several. Could go for sm58 if you emphasis is on singing (it's essentially the same mic, only with a proper pop filter)
dont buy that one
SM58 or 7 shouldnt be too hard to find on craigslist if you live in a decent sized city.