The subject line basically sums up the TL SC2 forum in the last couple of days. I've quickly become disgusted at how quickly the SC2 forum has fallen to (even more) shit. I mean the mods are doing their best but it's stupid they're not able to keep up with the sheer stupidity. Its been posted that Blizz doesn't intend to launch the friends list as is and all I see is people complaining about the friends list not working.
A server crashes? Oh noes people are bitching and whining and moaning that they can't play the game. Its a BETA folks instability is expected hell SC2 has been very stable for a Beta but you're spoiled now so oh noes I can't play! Lets flood the forums.
Then he's probably posting in the SC2 forum right now
I mean geeze R1CH the almighty wizard warned us hey the beta is going to be unstable with major infrastructure changes but theres a constant influx of threads in the SC2 forum about the every little error that pops up. Go take a look at the closed forum you'd be amazed at the volume of threads in there from the last 2 days.
Yes I'm ranting yes I'm annoyed I just had to VENT a bit and if you're one of those people referred to above you know what you're LUCKY the beta has been this good so far so deal with it. I'd rather the game break horribly now and inconvenience us than during launch.
*grumble grumble* [/rant]
edit: Clarity
Blizzard official forums have always been uniformly terrible. The greater annoyance personally is that terribleness creeping into this forum.
By SC2 forums I meant the TL.Net SC2 forums. Sorry if that wasnt clear enough.
sweet! im grmbling with you ^_^
I'm sick of people saying "ITS ONLY BETA". The game is supposed to come out in 2 months and they're having sooo many problems, it's not like they're trying less because its beta. They're trying less because they know we will buy anything they make.
So true. I wouldn't be so annoyed by this if r1ch didn't explicitly say "stfu, we know they're having problems" /paraphrase
just wondering...why does your signature say "sex sex pubic hair" in korean...im just curious..
On May 23 2010 08:29 HazMat wrote: I'm sick of people saying "ITS ONLY BETA". The game is supposed to come out in 2 months and they're having sooo many problems, it's not like they're trying less because its beta. They're trying less because they know we will buy anything they make.
See now bullshit like this is completely out of hand, this type of thing is FALSE the early phases of the beta were about balance there was no MEAT on the game interface it was just a 1v1/2v2 platform. Now that they're changing major sections of the code to make an actual interface guess what that BREAKS SHIT. It happens it's expected just because they spent so long focusing on balance doesnt mean they're not trying now. By the fact that the servers have shat themselves to hell and back recently makes me happier because they're finding problems and fixing them. You know every time a problem occurs in the beta thats one less that happens during launch. Deal with it I've been a part of a LOT of beta's and let me tell you SC2 Beta has been bright and shiny compared to some of the dogshit that I've seen.
On May 23 2010 08:31 The6357 wrote: just wondering...why does your signature say "sex sex pubic hair" in korean...im just curious..
Heh cuz of the this
On May 23 2010 08:31 The6357 wrote: just wondering...why does your signature say "sex sex pubic hair" in korean...im just curious.. You are lacking in your knowledge of moments in SC history, sir. Also a blog QQing about qq is... ironic.
On May 23 2010 08:29 HazMat wrote: I'm sick of people saying "ITS ONLY BETA". The game is supposed to come out in 2 months and they're having sooo many problems, it's not like they're trying less because its beta. They're trying less because they know we will buy anything they make.
How do YOU know they're trying less? What indication do you have that they're trying less? That they're taking down the platform to work on it for a solid month without having to worry people being online on it?
Man, I love baseless assumptions, that go against the standard development process. It makes you look like a genius with valuable opinions. Kudos to you good sir.
On May 23 2010 08:34 jungle_BRAT wrote:Show nested quote +On May 23 2010 08:31 The6357 wrote: just wondering...why does your signature say "sex sex pubic hair" in korean...im just curious.. You are lacking in your knowledge of moments in SC history, sir. Also a blog QQing about qq is... ironic.
Why do you think QQ is in the title twice, I'm aware this is on the edge of hypocrisy but I just can't stand it anymore. This kind of thing is why the Community of TeamLiquid is deteriorating, it's hard to find the real community amonst all the crap recently so people stop looking.
I endorse your blog. It is a certain age group these days that believe they are entitled to everything going their way and if something doesn't go their way they are very angry and whiny.
I like your reference to Pulp Fiction because that movie is amazing
is awesome32269 Posts
I thought this was going to be about Flash fans.
People would've been less angry had they not so deeply immersed themselves into the beta and the rapidly-developed culture that sprung from it. To be honest, the whole situation with so many tournaments, large prize pools, peripheral commentaries, in-depth analyses and discussions -with so much already 'at stake' for the testers- was just terribly unhealthy with SC2 only in the incomplete, unpolished, and unstable BETA phase of product testing.
The people are feeling distraught (rightfully, yet ignorantly so) as they feel they've had a nice and solid product, an already worthwhile experience, stolen away from them, but in actuality, what people have forgotten (or have not ever even realized) is that what they're participating in is simply a test, an experiment, a survey, and/or an analysis of various elements of the FINAL PRODUCT.
However great this simulation seemed for everybody, it is still just a SIMULATION and TEST of the real thing that's yet to come. People need to chill out some, see this from Blizzard's perspective, and instead focus their time and energy into helping develop a final product/experience that will blow away everybody's expectations.
I can only agree, sometimes i feel the need to respond to those person and say some really mean words like you're a moron, idiot, retarded.(I'm evil i know ) But then i look back at what i'm going to post and think that i won't bring anything to the discussion.
It's not like they'll read and suddenly understand they're stupid people and never post again without using their brain first.
Belgium9943 Posts
lolololol, after reading your post I looked at the sc2 forum and the top thread I see is "Is terran OP?"
ee han timing.
Sadly, it's bound to happen with a new game like this. There will be a ton of trash posters. A few will understand the community / game and actually become great members of the community.
It's really no different than any other time, the number of new users is just exponentially higher.
Having seen it on another forum when Street Fighter IV was released, I don't know what to say but weather the storm =/
We got a nice new message at the top of the site
"We get it - Bnet is having some problems. Please stop making threads about it."
/signed more people need to shut the fuck up