hope you enjoy, its only the first chapter and it is fairly short. please comment if you do read it any advice to make it better will be appreciated, thanks a million.
+ Show Spoiler +
-"Tuesdays here and i can't see
Why that one girl is still lookin' at me
What she want i dont know
She brabbed my hand, said its time to go
Now i know what's going to go
And it ain't going that slow
She taking me back saw what she wear
I come back give lovin' to er' derriere
Come back to my place get some lovin'
A kick and a twirl an' a ole lotta' shovin'"
"Well gee Tom, that song doesn't sound like the nicest one out there, that I've heard."
"Vic it ain't suppose to. It was about this one night down in Atlanta back in 98 when i had a little too much to drink. Let me tell you something Vic, Don't drink, it kills your liver, you don't remember a damn thing and before you know it you wake up with your arm wrapped around a random hoe you found on the side of the road that looked a lot better when you were drunk than sober," said Tom.
"Tom i don't drink, i never have i never will. Alcohol is the bad man's drink, the devils blood in a cup my pa always say don’t drink or you’ll go to hell,” replied Vic taking another drink of water from his canteen that was thrown over his shoulder.
“Nah Vic, you don’t go to hell for drinking. Only people like rapist and prostitutes go to hell. That and Mormons, fuck those bible pushers jumping in suits and riding their bikes all in Utah. Would not be surprised if they came right from hell as a spawn of Satan,” he said laying down into the cool grass and looking up at the stars, “Yup all from hell, luckily we in Georgia and they all dead and in hell by now.”
“Really? That bad? Wow my pa never told me nuttin’ about them Mormon fellows. He only said that there was one god and anyone that think other wise is nuttin’ but an atheist loony.”
“Yup Vic that bad. But the bad men ain’t going to get us anymore. They all gone and we are still here. It’s late Victor you should lie down too get some sleep, we be headin’ for Alabama tomorrow and you’ll want yer energy for the trip.”
“Okay Tom, but you gotta play some of your fancy guitar in the mornin’. The sound can sooth the beast and it can sooth Vic as well,” said Vic as he lied in the grass looking at Tom with a wide smile on his face.
Tom said back smiling too, “Of course Vic, I love playin’ it and you love listenin’ so it works out good.”
There was a sea of people, most angry some in shock and fear and others just breaking down in tears. It was early May and they were all out side of the Washington District Presidential Speech Stage. The president of the United States stepped out onto the large stage and hobbled to the podium that was covered in so many microphone wires that you could not see the wood of the podium, just a wall of wires. A huge screen projecting the image of the president was behind him and beside that were monster speakers twice the size of the five foot podium in height and width boomed as the president began his speech.
“My fellow Americans,” began the president with the most famous line in American politics, “We are in a state of great warfare danger. The Russians and the British have assembled weapons of mass destruction against the United States.” As he said this a great moan came from the crowd of people with a lot of side talk about the news. “We are doing what we can to get out of this dire situation as well as we possibly can.” Silence had one again came over the crowd as their eyes glued to the president such as a child watching televised cartoons on Saturday morning. There was a slight breeze in the wind as cherry petals flew from the masses of trees across the street from the speech.
“We have decided that the best counter act to this aggression from Russia and Britain is a risky one. We are going to declare war against Russia and Britain using nuclear means of weaponry.” A great fear had swept over the crowd of people as they struggled to get away from the site. Some ran alone, some grabbed their children and ran, their girlfriend and ran, but no one stayed still. The words of the most powerful man in the country was to the crowd as a rock to a beehive. And such as in a rock to a beehive once you hit it, they come out and they start to sting.
“I know that all of you are struck with worry and great fear, however we have encampments in the parks of our major cities that will provide shelter, proper nourishment, and simple items. And I can ensure you my fellow Americans we will be safe, we will be free, and we will be victorious. Thank you my fellow Americans! We are America the greatest, freest country in the world! Let freedom ring! Let us be heard! We are America, America, America,” yelled President Trinity as he left the stage.
He walked from the podium still in a limp from his sprained ankle. He walked passed an army captain and said, “Take care of them.” and continued walking down the stairs to back stage. It was once in his armored SUV that he heard the sounds of gun shots and screams. He knew what he did, he ordered thousands of people that he promised to save to be executed. But he couldn’t help but have a smirk on his face as he removed the cap from the bottle of beer he picked up from the cooler in the SUV.
It was around seven thirty in the morning when Tom woke up Vic from his sleep. Vic was a person that snored when he slept, at first Tom did not get any sleep, but he later found ear plugs that he wore at night in order to block out the sound of Tom’s unconscious breathing. Tom went to the creek that they have been following for the past week up stream until they found a larger branch that led to the Mississippi then they would go up the Mississippi and break off to Cincinnati. Tom took off all his clothes and got into his bathing suit and went into the extremely cold water. His nipples shot out of his chest as he put his left leg into the water. In ten minutes Tom was out and walking around camp still waiting till his body dried out. At this time Vic was up from his sleeping bag and was dressed.
“Tom play it play the guitar, i wanna hear the noise again, its so beautiful, please Tom play it again,” begged Vic.
“ In a little bit Vic when i have all my clothes on, until then we can eat these blue berries i found by the stream for breakfast.”
“Oh boy! I love blue berries! They taste so good especially in pancakes. Oh! Oh, Tom are we going to have pancakes! Please i love pancakes!”
“Possibly if we find some batter in the next town. Also we need a skillet to cook it on, but i don’t see why not.”
“Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I love pancakes, i have never had pancakes in so long, so long!”
“Easy Vic easy,” said Tom smiling with his rear hanging out in the morning wind, “I’m going to go get my clothes from the creak, come back and play the guitar for you. But then we gotta get going west.”
Tom did as he said he went back to the edge of the creak and got his clothes and put them on hat and all. He came back up the hill to their camp and grabbed his guitar. Vic was sitting down on the other side of the were the fire had been the night before.
“Vic want a nice song! Not like the one last night full of drinking and sex slaves,” demanded Vic in a deep voice.
“Alright Vic. How about this,” asked Tom as he tuned his guitar and then started to play finger picking the strings of the acoustic.
-“I would do, anything for you
Is it as deep, the feelings i have for you
And I love you, I really do
And I will follow through
Rain time, sun time, windy too
I’d do anything for you
Spring time, winter, all year round
Whats this love that I’ve found
Coming with time, only grow strong
My love, our love, we wont go wrong
I asked again, and a yes came
In the first week, it was tame
Trying to advance, let things grow
Loves like a river, go with the flow
We’ll be together, until the very end
So much time together, that we spend”
Vic started jumping up and down clapping his hands together as though he just celebrated his sons first hit at his little league.
“Yay! More, more Vic want more!”
“Sorry Vic, we have to get going like i said we need to pack up and get going up the creak. Maybe i’ll play some more when we stop for lunch in the next town. And we’ll see around for those pancakes of yours.”
“Awww, Vic likes the guitar. But pancakes yay for Vic he gets pancakes! Okay lets pack up and go now,” responded Victor from a sad to happy mood as he went towards his items.
As Vic and Tom started to hike northwest Tom was also thinking. Look at this shit we’re in. I’m the only sane person out here and the only other person i found was this retard. So now there is an old alcoholic musician and a big young slightly retarded guy. I really hope that we find someone else that will go along with us. We truly are in this nuclear wasteland. And with that final though Vic and Tom walked down the road to Petersburg.
Why that one girl is still lookin' at me
What she want i dont know
She brabbed my hand, said its time to go
Now i know what's going to go
And it ain't going that slow
She taking me back saw what she wear
I come back give lovin' to er' derriere
Come back to my place get some lovin'
A kick and a twirl an' a ole lotta' shovin'"
"Well gee Tom, that song doesn't sound like the nicest one out there, that I've heard."
"Vic it ain't suppose to. It was about this one night down in Atlanta back in 98 when i had a little too much to drink. Let me tell you something Vic, Don't drink, it kills your liver, you don't remember a damn thing and before you know it you wake up with your arm wrapped around a random hoe you found on the side of the road that looked a lot better when you were drunk than sober," said Tom.
"Tom i don't drink, i never have i never will. Alcohol is the bad man's drink, the devils blood in a cup my pa always say don’t drink or you’ll go to hell,” replied Vic taking another drink of water from his canteen that was thrown over his shoulder.
“Nah Vic, you don’t go to hell for drinking. Only people like rapist and prostitutes go to hell. That and Mormons, fuck those bible pushers jumping in suits and riding their bikes all in Utah. Would not be surprised if they came right from hell as a spawn of Satan,” he said laying down into the cool grass and looking up at the stars, “Yup all from hell, luckily we in Georgia and they all dead and in hell by now.”
“Really? That bad? Wow my pa never told me nuttin’ about them Mormon fellows. He only said that there was one god and anyone that think other wise is nuttin’ but an atheist loony.”
“Yup Vic that bad. But the bad men ain’t going to get us anymore. They all gone and we are still here. It’s late Victor you should lie down too get some sleep, we be headin’ for Alabama tomorrow and you’ll want yer energy for the trip.”
“Okay Tom, but you gotta play some of your fancy guitar in the mornin’. The sound can sooth the beast and it can sooth Vic as well,” said Vic as he lied in the grass looking at Tom with a wide smile on his face.
Tom said back smiling too, “Of course Vic, I love playin’ it and you love listenin’ so it works out good.”
There was a sea of people, most angry some in shock and fear and others just breaking down in tears. It was early May and they were all out side of the Washington District Presidential Speech Stage. The president of the United States stepped out onto the large stage and hobbled to the podium that was covered in so many microphone wires that you could not see the wood of the podium, just a wall of wires. A huge screen projecting the image of the president was behind him and beside that were monster speakers twice the size of the five foot podium in height and width boomed as the president began his speech.
“My fellow Americans,” began the president with the most famous line in American politics, “We are in a state of great warfare danger. The Russians and the British have assembled weapons of mass destruction against the United States.” As he said this a great moan came from the crowd of people with a lot of side talk about the news. “We are doing what we can to get out of this dire situation as well as we possibly can.” Silence had one again came over the crowd as their eyes glued to the president such as a child watching televised cartoons on Saturday morning. There was a slight breeze in the wind as cherry petals flew from the masses of trees across the street from the speech.
“We have decided that the best counter act to this aggression from Russia and Britain is a risky one. We are going to declare war against Russia and Britain using nuclear means of weaponry.” A great fear had swept over the crowd of people as they struggled to get away from the site. Some ran alone, some grabbed their children and ran, their girlfriend and ran, but no one stayed still. The words of the most powerful man in the country was to the crowd as a rock to a beehive. And such as in a rock to a beehive once you hit it, they come out and they start to sting.
“I know that all of you are struck with worry and great fear, however we have encampments in the parks of our major cities that will provide shelter, proper nourishment, and simple items. And I can ensure you my fellow Americans we will be safe, we will be free, and we will be victorious. Thank you my fellow Americans! We are America the greatest, freest country in the world! Let freedom ring! Let us be heard! We are America, America, America,” yelled President Trinity as he left the stage.
He walked from the podium still in a limp from his sprained ankle. He walked passed an army captain and said, “Take care of them.” and continued walking down the stairs to back stage. It was once in his armored SUV that he heard the sounds of gun shots and screams. He knew what he did, he ordered thousands of people that he promised to save to be executed. But he couldn’t help but have a smirk on his face as he removed the cap from the bottle of beer he picked up from the cooler in the SUV.
It was around seven thirty in the morning when Tom woke up Vic from his sleep. Vic was a person that snored when he slept, at first Tom did not get any sleep, but he later found ear plugs that he wore at night in order to block out the sound of Tom’s unconscious breathing. Tom went to the creek that they have been following for the past week up stream until they found a larger branch that led to the Mississippi then they would go up the Mississippi and break off to Cincinnati. Tom took off all his clothes and got into his bathing suit and went into the extremely cold water. His nipples shot out of his chest as he put his left leg into the water. In ten minutes Tom was out and walking around camp still waiting till his body dried out. At this time Vic was up from his sleeping bag and was dressed.
“Tom play it play the guitar, i wanna hear the noise again, its so beautiful, please Tom play it again,” begged Vic.
“ In a little bit Vic when i have all my clothes on, until then we can eat these blue berries i found by the stream for breakfast.”
“Oh boy! I love blue berries! They taste so good especially in pancakes. Oh! Oh, Tom are we going to have pancakes! Please i love pancakes!”
“Possibly if we find some batter in the next town. Also we need a skillet to cook it on, but i don’t see why not.”
“Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I love pancakes, i have never had pancakes in so long, so long!”
“Easy Vic easy,” said Tom smiling with his rear hanging out in the morning wind, “I’m going to go get my clothes from the creak, come back and play the guitar for you. But then we gotta get going west.”
Tom did as he said he went back to the edge of the creak and got his clothes and put them on hat and all. He came back up the hill to their camp and grabbed his guitar. Vic was sitting down on the other side of the were the fire had been the night before.
“Vic want a nice song! Not like the one last night full of drinking and sex slaves,” demanded Vic in a deep voice.
“Alright Vic. How about this,” asked Tom as he tuned his guitar and then started to play finger picking the strings of the acoustic.
-“I would do, anything for you
Is it as deep, the feelings i have for you
And I love you, I really do
And I will follow through
Rain time, sun time, windy too
I’d do anything for you
Spring time, winter, all year round
Whats this love that I’ve found
Coming with time, only grow strong
My love, our love, we wont go wrong
I asked again, and a yes came
In the first week, it was tame
Trying to advance, let things grow
Loves like a river, go with the flow
We’ll be together, until the very end
So much time together, that we spend”
Vic started jumping up and down clapping his hands together as though he just celebrated his sons first hit at his little league.
“Yay! More, more Vic want more!”
“Sorry Vic, we have to get going like i said we need to pack up and get going up the creak. Maybe i’ll play some more when we stop for lunch in the next town. And we’ll see around for those pancakes of yours.”
“Awww, Vic likes the guitar. But pancakes yay for Vic he gets pancakes! Okay lets pack up and go now,” responded Victor from a sad to happy mood as he went towards his items.
As Vic and Tom started to hike northwest Tom was also thinking. Look at this shit we’re in. I’m the only sane person out here and the only other person i found was this retard. So now there is an old alcoholic musician and a big young slightly retarded guy. I really hope that we find someone else that will go along with us. We truly are in this nuclear wasteland. And with that final though Vic and Tom walked down the road to Petersburg.