Don't you hate when you are like, in the shower, or driving or something like that and you have this totally ball-crushingly awesome idea but there's no paper or recording device anywhere and by the time you get to one you've totally forgotten what it was you were thinking and all you can do is rage about how great that one thing you were thinking of would have been if you had just written it down a few minutes ago. Or when you are having a kickass dream where you like, figure out some crazy thing like the answer to your math homework and totally want to write it down or something then when you wake up you're way too foggy-headed to remember anything other than the fact you were dreaming about something kickass. (I dunno, maybe I'm the only one who dreams about the answers to his homework :x)
Anyway yeah I had something really awesome and video-game related to blog about that I thought of in the shower but I got out and dried off and now I forget it. I've been thinking for like 15 minutes about what it was but gaaah
brutal, it will come back tho
Canada5565 Posts
I never think in the shower, it's impossible for me, no idea why, too relaxing I guess. But that almost happened to me today, I was watching some stream and was too lazy to open notepad ahaha but then I remembered what I was thinking about thirty minutes later.
And I've never dreamed about homework O.o
Indeed, way too many times.
On May 08 2010 14:37 Xxio wrote: I never think in the shower, it's impossible for me, no idea why, too relaxing I guess. But that almost happened to me today, I was watching some stream and was too lazy to open notepad ahaha but then I remembered what I was thinking about thirty minutes later.
And I've never dreamed about homework O.o
I think best in the shower. shower and pacing = uber thoughts
Especially essays and papers... I take some time to relax, I manage to come up with some solid text, only to forgot the main idea when I try my best to put it in words. FUCK!
ye i get that occasionally and its frustrating
hey weren't you the guy who made stepfiles on ffr?
i get this everytime i take a bath. I forget amazing songs, poems, and even stories that i come up with. : (
On May 08 2010 14:44 _hate wrote: ye i get that occasionally and its frustrating
hey weren't you the guy who made stepfiles on ffr? Yes, that's me.
lol FFR, so many hours of my life wasted, rather sad to see the site die 
Holy crap that is awesome! Thanks for the link!
I took so damn long to reply because I was looking through all the cool stories of shit people have discovered while asleep. Curse you, Wikipedia links!
Happens to me when I'm in bed about to fall asleep. I get too tired and don't want to get out of bed just to write it down. Aiyy...
Osaka27125 Posts
I do all my lesson planning in the shower. Just say it out loud when you have an idea. The process of speaking and listening helps your memory.
Singapore66072 Posts
^ I should do that, it happens to me a lot as well
Is it the same problem that when I'm singing in the shower I tend to forget a lot of words to songs I know all the words to, but as soon as I'm back in my room and dressed I'm like, "oh yeah this is who is goes"?
Also, I like that you used "ball-crushingly awesome idea". I feel this, I feel this.
I do all my best thinking in the shower. I get bored way too easily, need constant stimulus. Except unlike you, I make a mental note of the thing and write it down when I get out.
What you can try to do is draw in the foggy shower door if you have doors on your shower. Write it down there. If there is enough soap scum it should even be there for a while
On May 09 2010 08:29 CharlieMurphy wrote: I do all my best thinking in the shower. I get bored way too easily, need constant stimulus. Except unlike you, I make a mental note of the thing and write it down when I get out.
What you can try to do is draw in the foggy shower door if you have doors on your shower. Write it down there. If there is enough soap scum it should even be there for a while I'm going to bring a notebook and pencil in the next time i take a bath, godspeed.
5003 Posts
You know, that explains about how I get all of my problem sets done. Stare at a problem set, go take a 30 minute nap, and just write down answers after I wake up.
But yeah, to the OP, this is why I tend to carry around a notebook wherever I go, and I just concentrate on the idea if it's a good one so I can write it down. Making a habit of writing things down really does help overall - I found it a lot easier to remember things once I made a habit of it even if I'm away from my notebook due to showers or sleep or whatever.