Only for Americans; too bad.
On May 03 2010 09:54 sur_reaL wrote: Only for Americans; too bad.
Wow that sucks.
I've been listening to it for a while too. I'm having a problem with your link though
On May 03 2010 09:59 M155_G33k wrote:Wow that sucks. I've been listening to it for a while too. I'm having a problem with your link though 
Canada used to have access to it around 2005, and then suddenly it was removed with no explanation, I really liked how you could put in Artists you already know you like, and find more that are similar, or you could just put in a genre to get songs from that genre. Too bad its gone because it was really nice while it lasted.
Yeah The only thing I don't like about Pandora is how you can only skip a couple songs at a time. Other then that its pretty cool. Specially if I hear of like one song thats really cool, I can put it in and find other songs I like that are similar. Thats how I became a huge fan of Techno. Heard this one song and put it in Pandora then found a bunch songs like it.
Classic rock and jazz if I'm on my computer and bored of my iTunes library and classical when I'm doing homework/reading. I used to listen to it on my phone also but it kills my battery, so I just stick to my own playlist when I go out.
Oh and of course in December I put on the jazz holiday music!
On May 03 2010 10:08 M155_G33k wrote: Yeah The only thing I don't like about Pandora is how you can only skip a couple songs at a time. Other then that its pretty cool. Specially if I hear of like one song thats really cool, I can put it in and find other songs I like that are similar. Thats how I became a huge fan of Techno. Heard this one song and put it in Pandora then found a bunch songs like it.
Yea, to skip however you want, you need to pay.
haha Yah I'm good with the free :D I'm a cheapo lol and nice genera's FiBsTeR Definitely the Jazz during winter and Country during Summer. Don't know what it is about the Summer but I love listening to Country during that time.
On May 03 2010 09:54 sur_reaL wrote: Only for Americans; too bad. Back in like 2005 it used to work outside of the states, even though it wasn't supposed to, now it no longer does though 
But these days we have Spotify, best online music thing ever IMO.
grooveshark.com is pretty much the same thing, without the restrictions
but pandora is great too
On May 03 2010 10:24 jello_biafra wrote:Back in like 2005 it used to work outside of the states, even though it wasn't supposed to, now it no longer does though  But these days we have Spotify, best online music thing ever IMO.
Unless something has recently changed, Canadians don't get Spotify either.
grooveshark ftw.
i dont really like grooveshark.com has a smaller database compared to some other sites. . In addition to pandora i like to use last.fm as well, but there are some huge differences. Last supposedly does the same thing, but the artists it suggests are more artists that are connected to, or have collaborated with artists that you like, and not always similar in genre/sound. Also, last has unlimited skip but no pause button, as opposed to pandora which has limited skip and a pause button.
so i use both
Yeah, used to be awesome when everyone was allowed to use pandora. I used to listen all the time.
Nowdays however it can still be done. Googe Hotspotshield Download their program and when its running you can use pandora and hulu, and any other US restricted thing
On May 03 2010 10:30 Perguvious wrote: grooveshark.com is pretty much the same thing, without the restrictions
but pandora is great too
wow, thanks for this.