Edit:Post your maps here and we can discuss them, give advice on things you could change or need to consider.
Things to note when posting. -Please post 1-2 images for people to look at, a topview and angled view would be nice. -A timing of a probe from one main to the other on faster would be appreciated as it helps people understand the size of your map and how it may play out. -Show people where your mains are, and where your naturals are. -Describe what you would like the map to be, how you want it to possibly play out and
Creating a 1v1 map is extremely difficult. I had so many problems getting the mirroring just right and balancing chokes to make sure wallins for Protoss and Terran were fair for each base.
Little things like that are things I took for granted while playing maps, it doesn't all just come together as easily as it looks like it should. I feel a much greater appreciation for the mapmakers out there that put in the time and effort to make such amazing maps over the years to play on.
Here is the map I have been working on.
The starting positions are the furthest North and South spots. A probe from one main to the other takes about 36 seconds on faster.
I would like this map to play out as a 2-3 base map this is fairly aggressive. The main and natural are fairly easy to defend initially but destructible rocks blocking a ramp the enters both your natural AND main make the bases much harder to defend mid-late game. The players 3rd could either be the high-yield or the standard mineral expo. By having the naturals ramp directly entering the choke towards the 3rd I hope that it will be much easier to defend than the high-yield which may take much longer for your army to move over their to defend. The lake/river in the middle splits the map up but also isolates the high-yield from their main/natural.
![[image loading]](http://i39.tinypic.com/2mfmdsw.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i43.tinypic.com/21l8l5f.jpg)
I cannot wait to try it out and see what works and what doesn't in terms of balance.
Any feedback would be much appreciated.
Also post your maps here or talk about your experience creating maps.
-I think the two bridges in the center should be a little wider. The way it is now games are going to turn into split map macrofests..
-Back door entrances to the main are not cool >:| At least make them so they only connect to the nat.
Generally, I find the map very good looking and it should be fun to play on, good work !
Edit: perhaps the two high ground platforms with the sensor towers should be reduced a bit in size? I feel like armies don't have any room to maneuver right now..
Edit2: (on topic ) Yeah making maps is waaay more difficult than one would think. I started feeling exactly as you do after playing a bit with the sc1 editors, huge props to the map makers.
I can't wait to see what great stuff the community will create in the days to come btw.
Thanks for the feedback, ya I am very excited to see what people come up with. I am also interested to see how the publishing system works because there is going to be a lot of maps being submitted and it is going to be hard to filter through it all.
How long did this take you?
Where are the starting positions? I need to know that before I can comment. I want to make sure I know (not think)where the starting positions are.
On April 25 2010 22:53 3FFA wrote: Where are the starting positions? I need to know that before I can comment. I want to make sure I know (not think)where the starting positions are.
The starting positions are the furthest north and south spots.
On April 25 2010 22:53 SC2Phoenix wrote: How long did this take you? This took me about 6 hours? Not sure I did it over the course of a few days. It is not perfect by any means and needs to be played to find all the real balance issues, just trying to get it as close to that as possible before we can publish.
Ok I don't like how the rocks go to the high yield. It makes it so I can just send like 1-2 zealots and take them out quickly and then take the high yield at little to no cost(also, are the watch tower areas buildable)
Does the curved land by the lakes allow reapers to travel along them? This could cause much stronger reaper harass than normal as you would need to have your stalker at just the right place to stop it(ramp or curve) before it gets in the base. I would like to know what the travel time for a probe is from base to base so I can more accurately judge how big the distance is from base to base which is another concern of mine.
On April 25 2010 17:36 SC2Phoenix wrote: How long did this take you? LOL thats what i was thinking
On April 26 2010 06:30 3FFA wrote: Ok I don't like how the rocks go to the high yield. It makes it so I can just send like 1-2 zealots and take them out quickly and then take the high yield at little to no cost(also, are the watch tower areas buildable)
I really like the ramps that go into the natural and the main being blocked by destructible rocks. I feel that moving your army to defend that high yield would be harder than the other expo. If you have any suggestions to make the high yield more dangerous to take/ harder to take I would love some suggestions. Maybe add multiple destructible rocks at the ramp or add a destructible rock at the high yield to delay it being taken even further.
The watch tower areas are currently buildable.
On April 26 2010 06:30 3FFA wrote: Does the curved land by the lakes allow reapers to travel along them? This could cause much stronger reaper harass than normal as you would need to have your stalker at just the right place to stop it(ramp or curve) before it gets in the base.
If you are taking about the tree area behind the lakes that are beside the mains, then no this area is pathblocked to stop anything from going that way.
On April 26 2010 06:30 3FFA wrote: I would like to know what the travel time for a probe is from base to base so I can more accurately judge how big the distance is from base to base which is another concern of mine.
The travel time on faster from one main to the other is 36 seconds.
I have been trying to think of what to add to the 3rd non-high yield area to make it easier to defend as right now it seems like it could be hard to hold. Although the naturals main ramp does directly attach to the only choke going into that area so it may still be easy to defend with a mobile army.
Heres my map so far:
Would love any insight as to what should be changed.
I know its not even close to symetrical right now, but this is more like a rough scetch. As things like making it 100% symetrical takes alot of time, I'd like to know that the layout of the map is as good as it can be before doing that.
Dw, the watermark on the right isn't part of the map 
The "real map" is, more or less, within those red lines. The red rings shows the starting area for the two players, and the green rings show the natural expo, which has 3 less mineral fields than normal, and only one gas. This is to encourage players to go for the expo to the right.
My biggest problem with the new map editor as it is now, is the camera. I have not yet been able to find the overview cam like omgCrazy have done above me, and I feel I can't xoom around as I want to. It's probably just me being a noob tho
My biggest love with the new map editor is that you can have two textures blur into eachother I have practicly used that over the entire map.
Nice map Excludos. I like how the map looks, I am not sure how I feel about the natural being such a weak expo with less minerals and gas, this almost forces the players to take a 3rd right away or bypass the natural altogether which I feel will turn the map into a very aggressive map where a lot of 1 base play may occur (this may also be what your going for).
Also the 3rd expo seems as though it would be quite difficult to defend as going around through the middle or entering from the small check could both pose problems if that is the expo you would like players taking as their 2nd and not their 3rd.
Like 3FFA posted before, a time for a probe on faster from one main to the other would be appreciated.
On April 26 2010 22:59 Excludos wrote: My biggest problem with the new map editor as it is now, is the camera. I have not yet been able to find the overview cam like omgCrazy have done above me.
You can find this option in view and at the very bottom where it says "view entire map". I used this to great effect in mirroring my map. I like to switch between this view and the game camera angle. Use ctrl and right click to rotate your camera and just right click to move the map around. Scroll just zooms in and out.
Something to think about your map is the cliffs around your minerals. Do you want units to be able to go up there? Is it buildable? Do you want flying units to be able to get back there for easier harassment of your mineral lines?
I do like how the area around your mains minerals is small enough that things such as reaper harass are able to be dealt with despite the large area they can come in from. Again if reapers can use the cliffs behind your mineral line as cover that may be an issue you want to look into.
Again, I like the map, so don't take my advice as anything but constructive criticism, some of my suggestions may be wrong but are things to look at and make conscious decisions about.
small bump just to make sure people remember this map that this guy spent only 6 hours or so on. Really, please get to work on figuring out how long it takes one probe to get from 1 side to the other in faster/fastest speed.
On April 27 2010 11:20 3FFA wrote: small bump just to make sure people remember this map that this guy spent only 6 hours or so on. Really, please get to work on figuring out how long it takes one probe to get from 1 side to the other in faster/fastest speed.
I updated my OP and I replied to your question above. It takes a probe on faster 36 seconds to get from 1 main to the other.
After looking at it a bit more, I realized the map was just a tad too big, and decided to start over anew. As much as I wish there was an option to shrink the map, I should probably realize that this isn't photoshop . Heres the results so far.
Should be mirrored nearly 100% now. It helped alot finding that overview cam Would be nice with somekind of ingame measuring tool tho. As of right now, I'm using mineral patches, which can be time consuming.
It takes 40 seconds for a probe to run from one base to another, but it only takes 18 seconds to run from ramp to ramp.
As with before, mains are at the top and bottom left corner. I put another expo up on the right side, which should encourage people to expand to the right, and help with defending the right expo itself.
Any more help would be greatly appreciated 
Edit: I'm also really happy how the borders ended up working. It doesn't look like much in the pictures, but when you play the map in game, you can barely see any of it. So it looks more like a background. And when you get close to the archon temple grounds thingie, you can barely get a glimpse of it through the cracks of the wall.
The main issue I see with your updated map is the island expo. No one in their right mind would ever take that. Not only does it have very little room to build defenses but it also could be easily shot at from the mainland while the xel'naga tower has sight. I like how you added the new expo and I think it adds a lot to the map to make people use the entire map rather than just one side.
large 1v1 map i made check it out (map name is Atlantis) ![[image loading]](http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/4778/atlantisa.jpg)
the legend on the side didnt really come out well so ill write it here: red circles = mains teal/green circles = naturals light yellow circle = high yield purple circles = another expo light grey lines = LOS blocking shrubs orangish circles = destructible rocks brown arrows = ramps white squares = xel'naga towers the olivegreen squares point out that those paths only fit small units like lings, rines, marauders, hellions, zels...u get the point
at an angle:
![[image loading]](http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/8885/atlantisangle.jpg)
the map size seems like it would not allow any early rushes/pushes but the scout/distance for small units to travel from main to main is about the time it takes in blistering sands maybe a tad bit longer. i was hoping to make a map that largely promotes multi base play, but 1 base play is viable as well. the expansions are really spread out and multiple paths to get where u want so you can qq about mech owning your expos and you can get out and do anything anywhere else i messed around with it a bit with different harasses, siege tanks and air harass and fitted it accordingly just have to finish the terrain textures and the doodads.