Back in the year 2002, a big thing happened in Unreal Tournament community. I don't know many of you guys are familiar with this game, but it's a standard First Person Shooter game like Quake, Duke Nukem (if anybody remembers) and Gears of War series.
One of the first Machinima /clan movie was made for this game, and it was absolutely spectacular in every way. Remember that it was in 2002, where ball mouse ruled, people played on 300mhz machines and had crappy 56k or ISDN internet connections (or at least where I live we had).
The name of the movie was Fooze, and it was made by Zulg, a legendary Quake/Unreal Tournament player (even played in WCG) for his clans 5 year anniversary.
The movie contains a genial soundtrack (no standard carmina burana, prodigy, metallica, rammstein, linkin park crap), custom 3D modeling (made in Maya, again, back in 2002), custom map(s) and had implemented some new technology to make the movie be in better quality then standard crap that came out at that time.
At the end of the movie is a quote "GoodBye UnrealTournament, we loved you but won't miss you". Something tells me the same thing will happen to Brood War.
Mmm I used to play that alot, took me some time to figure out the plasma gun was actually instant and I wasn't supposed to try to time the actual visible beam.
On March 31 2010 02:26 FaCE_1 wrote: UT was hell fun Will watch it when back hope for sure.
It still is, just not many play it. The game itself is basically freeware (download from torrents, update to patch 436 where they removed the cdkey protection) and enjoy.