Hey, so I am currently within the top 8 of gold in my division. I feel fairly confident with all the MU's except when a Zerg gets an early Spire and uses it to expand.
Here is a replay about what I am talking about.
Replay: http://www.mediafire.com/?mzzdzz3tmyh
I see the Spire coming and start getting stalkers and I already have sentries but I cannot leave my base without leaving everything vulnerable. Then he expands and it is too late to do anything as I am too far behind.
If anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it.
Also if anyone is willing to be a practice partner that would be awesome. I usually am on for a few hours a night. I do not mind playing other races but I prefer Protoss.
Thanks in advance TL.
im willing to play, i have tons of trouble with zvp, whether it's fast phoenixes, 1gatecore robo, whatever
im plat, but i have only about 10 games played after the reset, i made 1800 gold before though
add me warren.srk
you should use [SC2] tag  god damn.
yeah lol i thought this was sc2 until i saw top 8 gold
On March 30 2010 22:53 Piste wrote:you should use [SC2] tag  god damn.
Ya sorry I will do that next time.
post this in SCII strategy section.